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BarbWire Columnist: 'Tyrannical Homosexual Movement' Will 'Obliterate Freedom'

In a rambling response today to a recent pro-marriage equality op-ed by a gay Republican political adviser, BarbWire’s Gina Miller warns that gay marriage is “based on a grotesquely immoral, unnatural and unhealthy behavior” and will lead to the End Times.

“[T]he tyrannical homosexual movement,” Miller warns, “is leaving in its wake a scorched earth of obliterated freedoms, degenerate minds and cultural rot.” She adds that “there can never be a marriage union between two men or two women, no matter what our insane society declares or how many devilish laws mandate an abominable parody of marriage.”

“This is about the normalization of homosexuality and the crushing of Christianity and the freedoms of Christians and others opposed to the mainstreaming of this perverse behavior,” she writes. “This is a war by the degenerate Left against truth, reason, and morality. Ultimately, they are at war against God.”

The Bible warns us that in these last days, there will come a time when men will no longer accept the truth. As written in 2 Timothy 4:3-4:

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

While this may be a reference to apostasy within the church, the nation reflects the health—or lack of it—of the church, and our nation is quite sick. This is evident in the gruesome success of the tyrannical homosexual movement that is leaving in its wake a scorched earth of obliterated freedoms, degenerate minds and cultural rot.

“Marriage bias? ” As I have said many times, marriage is one thing only, the union of a man and a woman. That’s all it has ever been and all it will ever be, no matter how many lawless federal judges illegally write bad law from the bench in overturning the will of the people of the sovereign states who have voted to codify the meaning of marriage in their state constitutions. There is no such thing as “marriage bias,” unless you consider accepting the definition of marriage to be “biased” for truth. There can never be a marriage union between two men or two women, no matter what our insane society declares or how many devilish laws mandate an abominable parody of marriage.

No longer will many people accept the fact that, although there are plenty of practical reasons to oppose it, the entire foundation of the same-sex “marriage” argument is dead wrong. It is based on a grotesquely immoral, unnatural and unhealthy behavior—pure sin, whether anyone on God’s earth believes it or not. So, Richardson’s arguments are empty from the start. There is no “conservative case” for homosexuality or counterfeit marriage. By its very definition, conservatism seeks to conserve our nation’s heritage and moral framework, which includes marriage and family. There is already “freedom to marry” for every person, providing it is marriage in which you choose to engage. A man wanting to “marry” another man is nothing but a twisted farce, never a marriage.

The subtlety of his “aww shucks, my boyfriend and I are just like everyone else” pitch is part of the sinister propaganda of the radical homosexual Left. He’s not just like everyone else, wanting to be left alone to mind his own business. He’s an outspoken homosexual activist, and his bogus, “aww shucks” angle hides the truth about the danger to our freedoms and our society that the imposition of same-sex “marriage” represents. One of the biggest dangers is to our freedom, because the state would force, under penalty of law, the acceptance and the accommodation of counterfeit marriage on all who know it’s wrong. It would also force the indoctrination of school kids with the lies of the homosexual movement, telling them that it’s normal and good, when it’s anything but. These things are already happening, although not on a uniformly national scale.

Richardson finishes his piece with the common refrain of the homosexual “marriage” movement that all they want is the same right to marry as everyone else. That’s a lie. They already have that same right, and there is no such thing as same-sex marriage, but that’s not what this is about. This is about the normalization of homosexuality and the crushing of Christianity and the freedoms of Christians and others opposed to the mainstreaming of this perverse behavior. The fictional “rights” based on homosexual deviance and the genuine, God-given, First Amendment-protected rights of the vast majority of Americans cannot coexist. In this war for the soul of our nation, one must give way to the other. This is a war by the degenerate Left against truth, reason, and morality. Ultimately, they are at war against God, and while they may seem to be victorious here in the short term, in the end it is God Who is the Victor.