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BarbWire Columnist: Gay Marriage Ruling 'Far Worse' Than 9/11, Will Lead To Civil War

In a piece published on BarbWire today, Timothy Buchanan followed up his previous warning that a Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage would lead to civil war with a declaration that the ruling was "far worse than September 11" and can now only lead to God's judgment or all-out war.

"The rabid LGBT minions are coming after your treasure, your children and grandchildren, and even your very soul," Buchanan wrote, as he decried the "new seductive and sinister Tylenol commercial" that features gay couples.

Friday, June 26th 2015 was a disastrous day for America, far worse than September 11, 2001.

The Supreme Court’s lawless and un-Constitutional ruling to strike down same-sex marriage bans in the United States was a reckless and sinister act that will affect every American for years to come. America is broken, and now, one of three things will follow:

  • God’s judgment will fall upon the United States of America,
  • There will be a second US civil war, not North against South or East versus West,but of the righteous against  the unrighteous, the heartland versus the coasts.
  • Or there will be a Righteous Revolution, an Awakening of the Church.

Make no mistake, the decision to end state bans against same-sex marriage was not based upon Constitutional law. It was based upon nothing other than blind political ambition and a seething hatred for the laws of God. At least 82% of Americans oppose it. It is being enacted, not by democracy, but against the will of most of the people.

Equal rights was never an issue. The goal of the godless homofascists pushing same-sex marriage is to de-Christianize America. When they talk about wanting to make America a secular nation, they don’t just mean a godless one, they mean a sinister one. We’ve seen that when you remove God from any area of society, evil takes His place.

If you are tempted to think, “What’s the big deal? This doesn’t affect me.” It will and here’s how. The next steps will come fast and hard. Sodomites and lesbians will invade churches and Christian businesses and demand that religious objections to perverse same-sex marriage be crushed under the heavy boots of an unrighteous government that cares nothing for our faith. In fact, one EEOC Commissioner, Chai Feldblum has already said: “sexual liberty must trump religious liberty.”

The LGBT community will attempt to use the government to force pastors and priests and anyone else, to defile themselves by compelling them to submit to their depravity, and they will use lawsuits, coercion, and intimidation to accomplish this. It’s already happening.

Persecution is not coming to the Church in America. It’s here already.