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Barber's Slippery Slope: A Short Step from Satanism to Bestiality in the Military

A few weeks ago, we noted that anti-gay activist Paul Blair was contemplating a run for the Oklahoma state Senate, prompted by threats he received after speaking out against a local anti-discrimination policy.

So it was no surprise that Blair was recently on Peter LaBarbera's radio program where the two spent most of the program discussing the threats they have received and complaining how differently such things would be treated if Christians did them to gay activists.

Also joining them on the program was Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber, who has never been shy about vocalizing his own pure and unabashed disgust for all things gay.  So eventually Barber trotted out the false Religious Right claim that the military was going to legalize bestiality and managed to link that to the Religious Right outrage over the fact that the Air Force Academy had constructed a worship center for Wiccans:

Now it is legal in the United States Armed Services, if this gets through the House and is signed by President Obama, bestiality will be legal in the ranks of the Armed Services. It boggles the mind.

But this is that slippery slope we're on, so I guess we shouldn't be surprised to find that the United States Air Force Academy recently built a shrine - a Satanic Wiccan shrine - so that Wiccans can worship at the Air Force Academy.

Once you open the door to evil, it doesn't take long for it to fall completely apart.