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Barber: Obama Is Trying to Purge Christians From the Military

Last week, Matt Barber and Shawn Akers were discussing the current Religious Right myth that the military was going to start to court-martial soldiers for sharing their faith.  It is not true, of course, but that isn't about to stop Barber and Akers from repeating it and complaining that the Obama administration is implementing a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"-like program for Christianity in the military.

"We have people controlling the reins of government, right now," Barber said, "particularly out of the Oval Office, who are calling evil 'good' and good 'evil.' They are elevating and celebrating deviant sexual behavior in the ranks of the armed services, which is in direct conflict with clear biblical admonitions against sexual sin in both the Old and New Testaments."

And this is dangerous, Barber warned, because the true intent is to purge Christians from the military entirely and open it up to "secular progressives" which will undermine our national security "because as they persecute Christians and conservatives and other who have traditional values within the ranks of the armed services, it leaves a vacuum; nature abhors a vacuum and the kind of people that are going to fill that vacuum aren't the kind of people that we want defending our country, quite frankly":