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Ballot Harvesting, Accountability, and David Barton's Rampant Hypocrisy

Last night, Religious Right pseudo-historian David Barton and his son, Tim, appeared on the Truth & Liberty Coalition's livestream program, where they warned that unethical Democrats are using ballot harvesting to steal elections, which is something they insisted that Christians would never even dream of doing.

The Barton duo asserted that Democrats have been sending out volunteers all over the country to collect absentee ballots and are using the opportunity to both influence how uncompleted ballots are filled out and also to discard ballots that have been filled out to vote for Republican candidates. Christians, they asserted, would never do such a thing.

"As Christians, we believe in truthfulness and honesty and integrity," Tim Barton declared. "Our agenda is to honor and glorify God in our life and therefore we want to live a godly lifestyle and have godly behavior. If your primary agenda is to win an election, you compromise truth, integrity, godliness; that doesn't matter to you because the number one thing you care about is winning the election."

"The godly people are constrained," agreed host and right-wing pastor Andrew Wommak. "The ungodly don't have those same restraints and they will play dirty."

"As Christians, we believe in accountability," David Barton responded. "If you don't have a biblical viewpoint and you don't believe in accountability and everything is right now, then the ends justifies the means ... It's hard to watch all the ways that you can cheat an election, it's hard to watch all the ways that you can cheat ballots. We don't think of that, that's just not the way we're wired with accountability, but that's the way a lot on the other side are wired."

This is an interesting argument coming from David Barton, as he proudly endorsed pastor Mark Harris in last year's congressional race in North Carolina ... a race that was invalidated and now has to be held again because Harris's campaign engaged in precisely the sort of illegal ballot harvesting that Barton insisted Christians would never even contemplate.

Here is Barton

">endorsing Harris by touting his Christian values.

"I've know Mark for many years," he said. "As a pastor and a faith leader, he has repeatedly demonstrated the character, the consistency, and the courage that we need in Washington, D.C. Americans are becoming increasingly turned off by career politicians and they're losing faith in our leaders and those who represent us, but Mark's life has been open and public and he has a long public record showing that he's guided by unwavering conservative principles. He's proven not only that he can be trusted, but that he will stand for what's right. I urge you to support Mark Harris for the U.S. House of Representatives. He will be a congressman that the Ninth District of North Carolina will be proud to have representing them."