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Bachmann: God Gave Us Trump As A ‘Reprieve’ From Dangerous Transgender Rights

WEST DES MOINES, IA - JANUARY 04: U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) speaks during a news conference after ending her campaign for Republican presidential candidate on January 4, 2012 in West Des Moines, Iowa.Bachmann finished sixth in the Iowa caucus, well behind first and second place finishers Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Last week, former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann appeared alongside Philip Haney, a former security official turned anti-Muslim activist, on the End Times radio program, “Understanding the Times with Jan Markell,” to discuss Donald Trump’s election as president.

Haney referred to Trump’s election as “a combination of Passover, a great deliverance, and the re-declaration of independence,” a comment he has made previously, while Markell remarked that Trump could impede the “sin agenda.”

“When you have the White House lit with the colors of the gay rainbow, that was June 2015, I think that was a low point for a lot of people and it just seemed like every perversion, including this transgender obsession, was just being celebrated; I think God said, ‘enough,’” Markell added.

Bachmann agreed, warning that a Hillary Clinton presidency would have advanced LGBTQ equality to the detriment of freedom and the lives and safety of children, while Trump represented a divine “reprieve” from such immorality:

Bachmann: And I think the American people said, ‘enough,’ and I think they recognized that this was the last exit ramp for the country and if we were not going to see a political change, if Hillary Clinton was going to continue and double down on the policies of Barack Obama, I think people just saw no hope that the United States would return to a position of Judeo-Christian morality. But not even just that, it’s just, could we even be able to speak truth anymore? Can we even protect our children anymore?

Because we were in a situation where the president of the United States on his own just issued a sheet of paper and said, overnight, every single public school in the country would have to have the girls’ bathrooms open to the boys and the boys’ bathrooms open to the girls, and the girls’ shower rooms would be open and accessible to the boys because now, what we were told from the White House, is that when we look at our body in a shower, our body isn’t reality anymore, so we actually get to choose if we’re a boy, if we’re a girl, if we’re one of like 58 different whatevers that we decide we want to be that day. In other words, we were all told that we were forced to repeat a lie, not the truth, we didn’t even have the choice that we could repeat the truth anymore, we were all told that we were going to be enforced by the power of the federal government to repeat lies, and when you repeat lies, Romans 1 tells us, that’s when you fall into deception, God’s gives us over to our own delusion.

And so people have been in this very confusing period of: What are we allowed to say? Is it okay to say this? Can I not say that? And so people have been quiet and they restricted, they’ve censored their own speech because they didn’t know what the government was going to do to them. Meanwhile, their little 5-year-old girl could be vulnerable to a 17-year-old male walking in on their bathroom, or my 85-year-old mother could be at a public restroom and seven 18-year-old males could come in and she could be vulnerable to them.

Markell: Well, things have happened that aren’t very pleasant. They have happened.

Bachmann: Absolutely they have. And people said: ‘enough already!’ And we were given a reprieve. It isn’t that politics is our God. It isn’t that politics is necessarily the answer. But God has privileged us in this country that we get to be able to vote for the laws and the people we live under so people decided to take that vote. It was completely unprobable [sic]. I know it was a reprieve.

Bachmann: We know that [Trump’s election] just wasn’t in the natural. This was in the supernatural where God sovereignly, I believe, answered the prayers of believers beseeching him and he’s given us a reprieve. But a reprieve for what? For what? What are we going to do with this? Remember, over 50 years of destruction, destroying the foundations of this country, you don’t just turn that on a dime unless God again intervenes.