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Avi Lipkin Blames Saddam Hussein For Oklahoma City Bombing, World Trade Center Attack, And Crash Of TWA Flight 800

Far-right conspiracy theorist and anti-Islam activist Avi Lipkin was a guest on the "Point Of View" radio program last week to promote his latest book, which he said he wrote in order "to show you how the Arabs think."

As Lipkin explained, Muslim foreign leaders are leery of establishing close relations with the United States "because America seems to have this tendency to stab allies in the back." As evidence, he pointed to U.S. support of Saddam Hussein during Iraq's war with Iran in the 1980s, which was then followed by the Gulf War, when the U.S. repelled Iraqi troops from Kuwait.

Lipkin baselessly claimed that Hussein was responsible the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995, and the crash of TWA Flight 800 in 1996, all as payback for having been betrayed by the United States, which eventually forced President George W. Bush to capture and execute him during the Iraq war.

"Saddam Hussein was betrayed by the United States, in his opinion," Lipkin said. "The Oklahoma City Bombing was a Saddam Hussein attack. The first attack on the World Trade Center in February '93 was a Saddam Hussein attack. The shooting down of TWA 800 was a Saddam Hussein attack. That's why George W. [Bush] got rid of him in 2003."