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Austin Miles: Obama Will Cancel 2016 Elections, Spark Race War

Rev. Austin Miles took to Renew America on Halloween to warn that President Obama is getting ready to cancel the 2016 elections and “use Executive Privilege to declare himself President for Life.”

Warning that “Obama was hand-picked and groomed at an early age” by “his Communist handlers” to turn America “into a Marxist Socialist Nation controlled by Communist Czars,” Miles predicted that the president will stoke racial tensions in Ferguson, Missouri in order to create “a new civil war” and “a national race riot.”

Then, “Obama will declare a crisis” and make sure that “there will be no further presidential elections.”

Here is the intent: If Obama's scheme makes it through, there will be no further Presidential elections. This has been planned for a long, long time. One thing about the Communists, they are very patient as they quietly work toward the completion of a definitive goal ahead.

That goal, of course, is to see America turned into a Marxist Socialist Nation controlled by Communist Czars – and did you notice that the word "Czar" was never used in regards to government officer titles in the United States until Obama was placed on the throne? That term was only used in Communist Russia.

Obama was hand-picked and groomed at an early age. Born in Kenya, brought to America and put through the University, he was the ideal front runner for the new America. By him being black, and touted as The First Black President, his Communist handlers got it out that this would sooth "white guilt." To NOT vote for him would be classified as 'racism.' White Americans were made to feel guilty that they were white, whose ancestors enslaved blacks (so they were told). Then too, his handlers hammered through the media that anyone who disagreed with any of Obama's decisions was 'racist.' That was the ax in the hand.

One time after an especially horrendous mistake Obama made, which was addressed to letters to the editors, each would be followed with a rebuttal (carefully crafted) stating, "That writer can not stand the fact that a black man is in The White House."

The Communists are scheming for the Ferguson, Missouri incident to be the fuse that explodes into a national race riot. That is what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are hoping to accomplish since this would put citizens at war with themselves in a new civil war while at the same time sapping the strength out of America, making her easier to control.

So how did the Communists manage to keep Obama's birth certificate and university papers (which listed him as a "foreign student") out of sight? As stated above, the Communists slowly managed to work their way into key positions in the U.S. Government, corporations, the schools, and even the churches. They were in a position to block any inquiries about Obama and to humiliate anyone who suggested that his paper work was flawed.

It is no secret that Obama's sponsors and pushers were and are, The Communist Party USA (CPUSA). These days, what was once kept in secret, is now in the open. They have inserted themselves into every facet of American Life and can gang up on critics or questioners. They also control the media.

After a lot of noise over his birthplace (which MUST be in the U.S. to run for president), Obama managed to produce a so-called long form birth certificate from Hawaii. I must have been the only one who looked at it carefully, and noticed some changes in font that would never be on a legal instrument. Furthermore, in the "race" box in the early 1960's (August 4, 1961)a black person born would NOT have been called an "African American." That came much later. The term used then was, "Negro." It was an absolute fake.

It is to be noted that I have seen the actual birth certificate from Kenya. I got into the site of the Kenyan newspaper and found it. Shortly after, that entire thing was scrubbed from the newspaper site.

And by the way, one who worked in the Hawaii statistics office died mysteriously.

If all works according to plan, there will be no further presidential elections. Obama will declare a crisis (he can pick from a large number of those) so he can use Executive Privilege to declare himself President for Life, which he fully intends to do.