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Austin Miles: Obama Facilitating Terrorist Attacks In The US

Rev. Austin Miles, who believes President Obama is going to arrest him and throw him in jail any day now, took to Renew America on Friday to warn that the president is planning to use immigration to “destroy us from within.”

According to Miles, Obama has declared “war” on Christians and has “knowingly let in Islamic terrorists” in hopes that they will “initiate further attacks on America.”

Right after 9/11, it was suddenly OK to pray and bring God back into the life of America. Churches were filled bringing a different atmosphere to our country. Then cometh Obama.

When Communist trained Obama was PLACED in the White House (not voted in-but PLACED) war was suddenly declared on churches, Christians or any expressions of the Christian faith. They (the Christians) were the real enemy.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegals – and they vote – then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.

By opening our borders to all comers, Obama has knowingly let in Islamic terrorists who have actually set up training camps in America. These camps are heavily guarded and left alone to do what they may. And they plan to initiate further attacks on America, on American soil, thanks to Obama who has opened the door for them to come in and set up shop.

Instead of protecting America, which a REAL LEGITIMATE President would do, he lets the Islamists have full access to our country so that they can destroy us from within.