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Attorney General Bill Barr Meets With Radical Right-Wing Activist Dave Daubenmire

Radical right-wing activist Dave Daubenmire with Attorney General William Barr, Oct. 31, 2020. (Screenshot from Facebook)

On Friday and Saturday, a small group of right-wing activists, led by radical religious-right bigot Dave Daubenmire, carried out a series of protests outside the home of Joe Biden in Delaware, as well as the home of former president Barack Obama in Washington, D.C., demanding that the Democratic presidential nominee and the president for whom he worked as vice president be arrested, tried, and executed for treason.

On Saturday afternoon, Daubenmire and crew took their protest to the home of Attorney General Bill Barr, who personally came out to meet the group, pray with them, and take photos with them.

The protests were a continuation of Daubenmire's "Equal Justice Tour," which began in 2019, when the same group of activists protested outside the home of Bill and Hillary Clinton in Chappaqua, New York, declaring that Hillary must be arrested and sent to prison so that she would "be taught to fear God."

Since then, Daubenmire has only ratcheted up his attacks on Clinton, declaring last month that she must be publicly executed.

“I do not believe that there has ever been a more corrupt American politician than Hillary Clinton,” Daubenmire said on the Oct. 8 episode of his "Pass The Salt Live" program. “Her public life has been one slimy action after another. The demonic left loves her. There is no doubt in my mind that she is under control of very dark forces. Spiritual forces. Demonic forces. Gates of hell forces. Hillary Clinton is a child of the devil.”

“The greatest example of love is discipline,” he added later in the program. “The greatest example of love is to kill those traitors, so others learn never to do it.”

Daubenmire is a deeply bigoted, anti-Semitic, anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ, right-wing conspiracy theorist—the sort who proudly declares that women become lesbians because they are so ugly that no man could ever love them, asserts that Barack Obama was “a quasi-Muslim freak” and “an emissary from Hell,” warns that Oprah Winfrey was planning to run for president in order to carry out a white genocide, complains that he is not allowed to say the “N-word,” gripes that the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was a “psy-op” intended to promote “the blending of the races,” and calls interracial marriage “spiritual AIDS.”

Daubenmire has defended former Republican senatorial nominee Roy Moore, the ​anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church, and the extremists he deemed “patriots” who marched at the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. He has also declared that only evangelical Christians should be allowed to serve on the Supreme Court, proclaimed that a woman can never be president “because women are not to have authority over men,” lamented that the North won the Civil War, and called for the embrace of a “more violent Christianity.”

Daubenmire is openly homophobic and regularly accuses Democratic politicians of being "non-human" and demon possessed.

Daubenmire made news earlier this year by threatening to sue the NFL for supposedly putting his eternal salvation at risk by broadcasting unsolicited “crotch shots” of performers into his home during the Super Bowl halftime show.

By any measure, Dave Daubenmire is a thoroughly radical and intensely bigoted right-wing activist for whom the U.S. attorney general inexplicably found time to personally speak, pray, and take photos with yesterday​, even as Daubenmire was protesting​ to demand the arrest and execution of leading Democratic political figures.