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At War With Witches Over Supreme Court, Lou Engle Prays For More Vacancies

Lou Engle has frequently led prayers for God to "sweep" pro-choice judges off the courts. (Image: Engel speaking at POTUS Shield Heartbeat Ohio conference, March 10, 2017)

Dominionist Lou Engle, a member of the Trump-supporting POTUS Shield network, is calling on “everyone who cares about the future of America” to engage in three days of fasting and prayer over the Supreme Court. Joining him in the call is Matt Lockett, founder of anti-choice group Bound4LIFE, who runs the Justice House of Prayer in Washington.

Since President Trump’s election, Engle has been leading prayers for God to “remove” pro-choice Supreme Court justices so that Trump can replace them with justices who will bring about a “massive shift” on the court that will lead to the end of abortion in America and help usher in spiritual revival. Last October, prominent anti-choice leaders joined Engle and Cindy Jacobs on the National Mall to pray for God to create more Supreme Court vacancies. And in February of this year, Engle told a gathering at  Trump’s hotel in DC that he believed “prophetic” words that God would remove judges who are not aligned with Him and would give Trump the chance to put five justices on the Supreme Court.

In their new fasting call, distributed by Engle’s group TheCall, Engle and Lockett describe the hundreds of thousands of deaths in the U.S. Civil War as “divine justice” for the sin of slavery, and warn that if America doesn’t take this opportunity to end abortion, catastrophe will follow. In essence, they write, God is saying, “If you don’t deal with it in your courts, I’ll deal with it in Mine.”

Unlike most Religious Right leaders who have rallied around President Trump and his nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Engle and Lockett “do not yet sense a resounding ‘YES’ over this choice.” Indeed, Engle had previously declared that Amy Coney Barrett was God’s choice for the vacancy, a message Lockett had supposedly received in a “prophetic dream.” The Judicial Action Group’s Phillip Jauregui had also declared Barrett the divinely anointed one during an Intercessors for America prayer call days before Kavanaugh’s nomination was announced.

You see, Engle understands “that there are certain spirits of witchcraft and death can only be broken by women” and that “’Esthers’ must rise to challenge legalized bloodshed that fuels witchcraft over the whole nation.”

Indeed, last year Engle called for a global Esther fast to protect Trump from a worldwide witchcraft curse. Engle and Lockett “believe that fast strategically broke something in the spiritual realm that was necessary at that time.”

Engle and Lockett say the witchcraft war heated up again when Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement:

Immediately following Justice Kennedy’s retirement announcement, something quite revealing began to take place—something you won’t hear about in the news. Sources revealed that witches began making phone calls to Senators' offices to curse them with brazen witchcraft in an effort to exert a demonic influence over the process. Make no mistake—this is a spiritual battle of the highest order.

Therefore, we are calling ALL BELIEVERS—mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters—to fast like Esther, Mordecai, and their people did in the time of crisis.

Engle and Lockett say that Barrett “must not be forgotten” and that she may “be raised up in the days ahead as a replacement for Ginsburg or someone else.” As for Kavanaugh, they just aren’t sure. “He may very well be the man for the job,” they say, “but then he may not be the right one. We believe the body of Christ must leave nothing to chance in a moment like this.”

While we do not yet have clarity of revelation concerning the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, the scriptures charge us to bind (or disallow) and loose (allow) on earth in cooperation with heaven (Matthew 16:18-19; 18:18). We are calling a three-day Esther fast to stand in the gap on behalf of the nation and disallow anyone from being confirmed to the Supreme Court who will not ultimately reverse Roe v. Wade. We declare, “LIFE,” over this empty seat and reserve it for God’s choice.

We have seen nominees rise and fall as well as seen multiple vacancies open up at the same time. We believe God’s purposes are now pressing in to bring about a prophesied shift on the court. Would you stand with us now to look beyond the current vacancy and believe for yet another Justice to retire or be removed?

We urge you to join us—along with thousands of believers—beginning the evening ofAugust 18 for a three-day Esther fast of no food and no water. We believe the seriousness of the situation is that desperate. Please be careful and wise! If you are not able to do a total fast, then consider doing a partial fast or liquid fast.

A unified cry will shake the heavens! Together we will possess this seat for God’s choice, for someone who will uphold the Constitution, and for the overturning of Roe v. Wade.