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Aryeh Spero Likens Fight Against Obama to Elijah's Struggle Against Ahab

During the Under God Indivisible Conference at Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Love” rally, Caucus for America’s Aryeh Spero in a thinly-veiled attack on President Obama appeared to compare him to Ahab, the king of Israel who along with his wife Jezebel promoted Baal worship. Just as Obama was like Ahab, all those participating in “Restoring Love” are like Elijah, the prophet who denounced him. Spero said that the political left derives from Ahab, who “wished to transform the nation” and “subjugated the people,” while Elijah and his allies fought “leftist paganism” and “restored love and faith.”

“Political leftism, socialism, Marxism and naked secularism are simply today’s variation on ungodly themes and forms of paganism found as far back as biblical times,” Spero said, calling on attendees to “make sure a President does not crown himself Caesar.”

Referring to the Supreme Court case Engel v. Vitale, which struck down school organized prayer, Spero said that “the assault against our values and America” started in 1962, but hoped that 2012 can become a “jubilee year where we as a nation finally free ourselves from the sway and intimidation of political left liberalism.”


This is not a new battle but the continuation of the battle of the ages, the most worthy of all battles. Political leftism, socialism, Marxism and naked secularism are simply today’s variation on ungodly themes and forms of paganism found as far back as biblical times. As outlooks on life they are at their core immoral paradigms, their so-called morality is but moral relativism, their call for tolerance is but the wholesale abandonment of standards. But we know that standards are necessary for the preservation of civilization. They speak of social justice but their intention is to institute socialism. In the Book of Kings we are told there arose in Israel, a King named Omri and later his son Ahab, both desire to rob the nation of its God and its origin, both wished the nation to forget its identity and nationality, they wished to transform the nation. They subjugated the people and stole their vineyards and set up idols to contradict the nation’s historic ethos. You see, with God there is liberty, without God and with an all-powerful state, subjugation and immorality set it. But Elijah and others fought the idols and the king and the laws of leftist paganism came crumbling down. They acted, they were daring and brave, thy restored love and faith. Back home in our communities, our people are looking to us for that bravery and assertiveness.

Now you may ask, what about render onto Caesar that which is Caesar’s? No my friends, in this nation we determine our Caesars and all the little Caesars. Better yet, we make sure a President does not crown himself Caesar. The assault against our values and America began 50 years ago around 1962, so let us declare 2012 the year of jubilee, the jubilee year where we as a nation finally free ourselves from the sway and intimidation of political left liberalism, now is the time.