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'Are You Ready to Start a Revolution?' Women Fighting for America Founder Tells Trumpists to 'Advance the Line' on Eve of Insurrection

Christie Hutcherson, founder of Women Fighting for America, spoke at a Jan. 5 pro-Trump rally in Washington, D.C.

At a pro-Trump rally in sight of the U.S. Capitol a day before the violent insurrection, Women Fighting for America founder Christine Hutcherson insisted, “There is no way Joe Biden won this election,” and she asked the assembled Trump die-hards, “Are you ready to start a revolution?”

Hutcherson, who identified herself as a military mom, gave a shoutout to military and law enforcement personnel in the crowd:

I do want to give a shoutout. There's some wonderful patriots here: military, police and our first responders. Can you raise your hands? We've got the USA patriots behind us right here. They are from across this nation. And we need every single one of you guys to lock arms and take back America. We need to put the pressure on. Tomorrow's a very important day in this nation. We need to pray. But not just pray. We are in a season of activation. You see we need to activate because if we do not activate and rise up and push back against this tyranny, against this communist invasion—because let's face it, that's what this is, it's a communist invasion—we will not have an America. And let me tell you: When America falls, there is no place else to run or hide.

Hutcherson reminded people that the Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence put their life at risk, and she challenged people, “Are you willing to rise up and lay it all down on the line for this country? I know I am.”

Hutcherson said:

Are you guys willing to fight for this nation? Because I know I am. We are living in a time that is at great peril. It is not time just to hold the line. Are you guys ready to advance the line? Because I'm ready to advance the line.

We need every single patriot who loves this country to stand up and say, “No more.  We are not gonna allow this nation to go under on our watch. We are going to be the watchmen.” Are you guys ready to join us?

Like many speakers, Hutcherson wrapped her activism and support for Trump in the language of faith, saying that God had given her a vision: “He wants everybody to know it’s by his might, by his hand, that Donald J. Trump will serve four more years.”

“We need President Trump,” she said. “Because let me tell you, I love President Trump. He left everything, everything, everything to love his country and to support the American way of life and America First values.”

Hutcherson had a message for members of Congress: “We are coming for you. We are gonna keep you accountable. And if you do not do the right thing and uphold the oath you took, we are going to make darn well sure you never serve one more day in office.”

She urged people to prepare to continue to fight at home in the coming year, saying, “You see, they’re gonna keep coming. They’re gonna keep fighting. They’re gonna want to take over our country, and we cannot allow that to happen.”

“We are going to go across this nation," Hutcherson said. "We are going to lock arms with other organizations and patriots just like yourself. And we are going to go to every state capital. And we are going to crush the head of the snake.”

Hutcherson says she was called into activism by God, and she told the Christian Post last year that Women Fighting for America was “a new movement that’s on the rise across this nation to bring back morality, biblical foundation, Constitution, and freedom into this nation.”

“America’s at a crossroads,” she told the Christian Post. “We’re either going to go down the line of Marxism, communism, chaos, destruction, defunding the police, or we are going to go down a road where we are founded in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, safety and security, pro-police, pro-gun, pro-Christianity (and) pro-God back in schools.” She organized a “Heal our Land” bus tour last year designed to encourage evangelical women to register and vote.

Hutcherson’s bio on the Women Fighting for America site says she is on the Republican Party Executive Committee in Duval County, Florida, a member of the Family Research Council and National Rifle Association, and a member of the Heritage Foundation President’s Circle.

The Jan. 5 rally was livestreamed by the Right Side Broadcasting Network, which is funded by MyPillow's Mike Lindell.