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Apparently, Criticizing E.W. Jackson Is 'Attacking The Right to Free Speech'

While E.W. Jackson, the Virginia GOP nominee for lt. governor, is fine with leveling virulent attacks against Democrats and gays and lesbians, Jackson plays the victim the minute anyone criticizes him or simply quotes his derogatory statements verbatim.

On an interview with WLEE, he recently doubled down on his long held belief that the Democratic Party is an “anti-God” party. After even members of his own party distanced themselves from his remarks, the Republican leader is again crying persecution.

Jackson addressed the negative reaction to his statements while speaking with the Family Research Council’s Quena Gonzales and Josh Duggar , who told Jackson that the media is “attacking the right to free speech.”

“This is something that they do incessantly, unfortunately, because they have an agenda and that agenda means that spokespersons like me have to be destroyed, marginalized, basically gotten rid of in order for them to further that agenda,” Jackson replied. He stood by his remarks as “truthful,” but argued that they were not directed at Democrats as individuals but about the party in general.

Duggar: How has the media portrayed its liberal bias, twisting your words and attacking the right of free speech?

Jackson: This is something that they do incessantly, unfortunately, because they have an agenda and that agenda means that spokespersons like me have to be destroyed, marginalized, basically gotten rid of in order for them to further that agenda; so when you say something that’s truthful, they twist that and turn that into something mean or nasty or like it’s an attack. I never attacked Democrats and said if you’re a Democrat you’re not a Christian.

Gonzales: Can you quickly tell us what it is you actually said and how that was misconstrued?

Jackson: What I’ve actually said is, and look I’m hoping this will lead to reform in the Democratic Party, what I’ve said is that the Democratic Party based on their behavior at the convention, based upon their platform, supporting same-sex marriage, based on their radically, avidly pro-abortion platform, has become a party that is really antithetical to things that Bible-believing Christians hold dear.

Of course, last year Jackson similarly called the Democrats an “anti-God” party that is “no longer a party that any Christian can be associated with.”

“What people do is up to them but we can’t associate ourselves with something that seems to have clearly committed itself to evil and to that which is against the word of God,” he said at the time.

As I watched the Democrat Party [sic] continue to go down this road of moral relativism, cultural relativism, I think when it declared same-sex marriage to be an official part of its party platform I realized that they had really crossed the Rubicon, it was a step too far, it was clear they were going in an anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-life, anti-Israel direction and that this was no longer a party that any Christian could be associated with.

What people do is up to them but we can’t associate ourselves with something that seems to have clearly committed itself to evil and to that which is against the word of God. So how people interpret what they do, if they can’t vote for a Democrat, they can’t vote for this nominee, what they do from there is up to them.