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Anti-Semite Rick Wiles and TruNews Continue to Receive White House Press Credentials

As we have noted countless times before, Rick Wiles(link is external) is a radical(link is external) right-wing(link is external) conspiracy(link is external) theorist(link is external) and both he and his TruNews network are(link is external) deeply(link is external) anti-Semitic(link is external), with(link is external) many(link is external) of(link is external) his(link is external) nightly(link is external) programs(link is external) dedicated(link is external) to(link is external) railing(link is external) against(link is external) Israel and Jews(link is external).

In recent weeks, Wiles has used his program to attack(link is external) "the Jews in Hollywood," to claim(link is external) that Jewish "kill teams" are carrying out mass shootings in America, and to warn(link is external) that Jews intend to use red flag laws to disarm Christians and slaughter them en masse.

Despite his rampant anti-Semitism, Wiles and his TruNews network regularly(link is external) receive(link is external) press credentials(link is external) from the Trump administration(link is external), and on last night's program(link is external), Wiles reported that his network has been invited by the White House to cover the United Nations General Assembly at the end of the month.

"The White House has extended to us an invitation and the press credentials to go to the United Nations," Wiles said(link is external). "We appreciate that."

"Our credentials have not been revoked," added co-host Doc Burkhart. "We've not been removed. Don't believe any of that."

"We turn down more White House invitations; we don't go to all of them because we just don't have the funding and the manpower to go to every single event that the White House invites us to," Wiles added. "We are very appreciative that the White House invites us to these things."

"We actually have a very good relationship with the White House press office," said Burkhart. "They have always been very cordial and very kind to use. We've never been pushed away out of anything."