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Anti-Muslim Activists: Syrian Refugees Part Of 'Stealth Jihad' Plot to 'Take Over' America

Last week, the far-right outlet WorldNetDaily ran an article quoting anti-Muslim activists including Pamela Geller to warn that the Obama administration’s commitment to take in refugees from Syria’s brutal civil war is in fact part of a UN-orchestrated plot to pave way for an Islamist takeover of America.

In a lengthy article yesterday titled “Secret Weapon to Take Over America Revealed,” WND expounded on the claim, quoting a warning from conservative author David Horowitz that Muslim refugees will take up polygamy, which will allow their population to “expand exponentially.”

“But this is not about numbers,” he continued, “it’s about a religion that has intentions to take over the state.”

WND accompanied the article with a remarkable video that is packed with false claims about Muslim immigration in Europe and includes a fabricated quote from a German official. “Native European population groups are on an irreversible path toward extinction,” the video warns.

WND also quotes an Egyptian Christian convert, now an American activist, who says there will be no terrorist attacks in the next two years in the U.S., “not because the FBI is so great in stopping them, but because they are having so much success under Obama. And it will be the same under Hillary (Clinton) if she is the next president.”

WND’s claim that the U.S. plans to accept 75,000 Syrian refugees is based not on a government source but on an op-ed by a refugee advocate.

Much has been reported about Latin Americans sneaking across the U.S. southern border, but there may be a greater danger looming in America’s heartland in the form of nearly 2 million Muslims who have made their way to the U.S. since 1992.

And, unlike the surge at the southern border, most of those coming from the Middle East have done so legally, with the full support of the U.S. federal government.

Scholars such as Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and Daniel Pipes have warned for years of the Muslim Brotherhood’s doctrine of immigration, or “al-hijra,” as the long-term strategy to transform America into a different type of society – one that subjugates all other religions under Islam.

Now, another man has stepped up to sound the alarm. And his credentials make him hard to ignore.

Dr. Mark Christian, an obstetrician and former Egyptian Muslim with direct family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, is talking a lot these days about “stealth jihad.” He says it’s the Brotherhood’s way of exploiting liberal immigration policies while working relentlessly through various Islamic front groups to pressure government, education and religious institutions to make concessions to Islam.

He explained that the Brotherhood’s goal is “to restart the Islamic empire.”

“And they think if they can restart it again, they can reconquer the whole earth.”

That plan starts with immigration.

WND reported earlier this week the U.S. State Department plans to accept at least 75,000 Syrian refugees, hand-selected by the United Nations, for resettlement in American cities over the next five years. Meanwhile, the influx of refugees from other Muslim countries such as Somalia and Iraq continues at a rate of more than 25,000 per year.


If Islam were just another religion, the rise in Muslim immigration might not pose a problem.

But many conservative scholars who have studied Islam for years say there is more to Islam than its daily call to prayer and its dietary rules against pork and alcohol.

Islam has a decidedly political aspect that few in the halls of the U.S. State Department seem to understand, contends Robert Spencer, author of several books on Islam, including “Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs.”

“Just in terms of population, you’re talking about people with a much higher birthrate than the native peoples. You’re talking about a religion that sanctions polygamy, so this means the Muslim community is going to expand exponentially compared to other communities,” said Spencer, who also authors the blog Jihad Watch for the David Horowitz Freedom Center. “But this is not about numbers, it’s about a religion that has intentions to take over the state.”

In the U.S., Spencer and others believe the Muslim Brotherhood works through organizations such as the Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR, and the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA. Their power far outweighs that which might be expected for a religion that still claims only a tiny percentage of the American population as adherents.

“The connections these groups have are such that you only need a few people, much like the Bolsheviks did in Russia, because they had the vision and the ruthlessness and no other group had the will to stop them,” Spencer told WND. “We already see from the captured Muslim Brotherhood documents their intent to infiltrate and destroy the U.S. from within, and so I can’t see why they wouldn’t be successful, since no one is allowed to even discuss these plans in a public dialogue.”

The Brotherhood’s strategy is three-pronged, he said. It uses its front group CAIR to influence the government and military life, while ISNA works to foster “interfaith” dialogue with major Christian denominations and Jewish organizations. A third front group, the Muslim Student Association, or MSA, focuses on influencing K-12 and university education.

It is through these three groups that the Brotherhood wages “cultural jihad,” or what Christian calls “stealth jihad.”

“They want to influence the whole United States,” Christian said. “They see the U.S. as three things – it’s a government, it’s a religious institution and it is colleges and education; so we have three organizations and all are designated to each one of those things.”

ISNA concentrates mostly on outreach to Christian and Jewish religious groups.

“They say they are building bridges, but in reality they are building death tracks for these churches, watering down their theology, trying to influence the Christian teachings of the Bible and find common ground with Islamic teachings,” Christian said. “Basically they are trying to find common ground so they can kill it.”

In fact, the strategy of stealth jihad is working so well in America that Christian does not foresee any major terrorist attacks being planned anytime soon.

“They have their foot soldiers here from Somalia and Sudan and other places. But there will be no attacks for at least two years,” Christian said. “Not because the FBI is so great in stopping them, but because they are having so much success under Obama. And it will be the same under Hillary (Clinton) if she is the next president. No attacks on American soil are needed. But as soon as that is not effective enough, they will launch attacks, and they have the means to do that right away. For now they are terrorizing people enough in Europe and Africa and the Middle East, but they are having so much success over here using a different strategy of stealth jihad.”