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Anti-Muslim Activists Fear Islamic Enclaves in Brooklyn and Chicago That Will Spread Across America

Apparently, radical Muslim groups aren’t just setting up in national parks, but they are also carving up parts of major US cities. Christian Braodcasting Network’s Erick Stakelbeck talked to Janet Mefferd yesterday about the threat of Sharia law-administered enclaves in the US, warning that the Muslim Brotherhood acts like “termites” by “gradually eating away at the host society from within.”

Mefferd said Brooklyn and Dearborn, Michigan — Stakelbeck added Chicago — are quickly becoming radical Muslim enclaves, asking, “What do you do when they are able to establish enough beachheads that there aren’t enough places to move back to?”

Stackelbeck claimed that progressives, both the “hardcore left” and “your garden variety liberals,” are helping the Muslim Brotherhood by “crying Islamophobia” even though “if the radical Islamists get their way the first people with their heads on the chopping block will be the left.”

“We’ve basically lost one whole side of the political aisle when it comes to confronting this threat,” Stackelbeck said. “As a nation we are collectively shaking our fist at the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob right now.”