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Anti-LGBT Pundit: Leelah Alcorn Probably Possessed By Demons, LGBT Community To Blame For Suicide

BarbWire content editor Gina Miller weighed in today on the suicide of transgender teenager Leelah Alcorn, who discussed family rejection in her suicide note, and unsurprisingly, Miller believes that the LGBT community is to blame.

In fact, Miller suggests that Satanic forces may have been behind Alcorn’s transgender identity — which she refers to as a “deeply disturbing mental and spiritual sickness” — while adding that anyone “in open rebellion against God’s design for human sexuality will suffer for it, and suicidal tendencies are just one of the many ill effects.”

Miller writes that conservatives Christians, such as Alcorn’s parents, are the real victims of the whole saga: “Our freedoms are in terrible danger. The radical homosexual movement is a powerful tool of these evil forces, and it is being used in an aggressive campaign to squash our natural rights of conscience, speech, association and religion and to pervert the meaning of family and marriage.”

Another conservative columnist recently blamed Dan Savage and “Satan’s little soldiers” in the LGBT rights movement for Alcorn’s death.

On Sunday, December 28th, a mentally ill Ohio teenager committed suicide by stepping in front of a semi-trailer on an interstate, selfishly forcing the driver to run him down. The driver, who was minding his own business, will now have to live with this horror the rest of his life. How do I know the kid was mentally ill? I know, because 17-year-old Joshua Alcorn believed he was a girl trapped in a boy’s body and had apparently labored under this tragic “transgender” delusion since he was a little boy. In his suicide note, he blamed his Christian parents for not supporting and encouraging him in his fantasy. Instead, they did the best they knew how in getting him psychiatric help and telling him the truth that he could never be a girl.

Naturally, the radical homosexual activist community is seizing on this horrific suicide as an excuse to falsely blame the young man’s death on the Christian beliefs of his parents. This is to be expected today in our truly insane society, in which all manner of deception and lies are embraced by a fringe minority and spread far and wide by a complicit, dark-minded media. Members of the sexual anarchy movement have in their cross-hairs anyone who publicly opposes their tyrannical agenda, and they will not hesitate to cravenly use an awful event like this kid’s suicide to further that agenda.

Just about the only people left with the courage to tell the truth about immoral, unhealthy and unnatural homosexuality and “transgenderism” are Christians. Others are too scared to speak out against it, foolishly don’t care one way or another, or they support this degeneracy. Far too many people don’t understand the danger to our society and our freedoms posed by this evil movement. It is Christianity that these people seek to thwart and Christians they seek to silence, because the lovers of perversion despise the truth we tell about them and their agenda.

I have no way of knowing the beliefs of Joshua Alcorn’s parents. From the stories I’ve read, they cared very deeply for their son, and they knew he had serious mental problems. They tried to get help for him, and I would guess they prayed their hearts out for him, but in the end, he chose the tragic final solution, as do many other people who absurdly believe they are the opposite sex. According to one study from 2010, over forty percent of “transgender” people have attempted suicide. Proponents of “transgenderism” explain this high figure by mistakenly blaming society’s disapproval for “causing” these people to attempt suicide. That’s not it. Anyone in open rebellion against God’s design for human sexuality will suffer for it, and suicidal tendencies are just one of the many ill effects.

“Transgenderism” is a deeply disturbing mental and spiritual sickness. Any person who believes he is the opposite sex has serious problems, and society’s rightful disapproval is the least of them. Not everyone will like to hear this, but demon possession certainly plays a part in homosexuality and “transgenderism.” In the Bible, we see that demon possession was commonly acknowledged and understood to be prevalent, but the knowledge of it has been largely lost or buried today, as if our “modern” culture is too “smart” to give credence to the reality of spiritual forces at work in people today, just as they were then.

We often read that some who are homosexual or “transgender” have believed this since they were children. Demons do not spare children any more than adults. In Mark, chapter 9, we read of the father who comes to Jesus asking that the Lord help free his son from demon possession. Jesus asks the father how long his son has been possessed, and the father tells Him “since he was a child.” How many of these cases today are demon-related? I don’t know, but it is certainly a factor.

The growing acceptance of “transgenderism” is pure folly, as this young man’s suicide demonstrates. The groups that exist to support those who have this delusion are only hurting them. It is truly a case of the blind leading the blind, and the ditch awaits them all. It is not Christians telling the truth about this dangerous, destructive mental and spiritual pathology who are harming these deluded and rebellious people, but it is those who encourage them to embrace it and celebrate it who do the harm. No person can find peace or fulfillment in doubling down on this evil rebellion against the natural order. Suicide and the black cloud of self-hatred and despondency are inevitable results of submerging oneself in this deranged, sinful belief and behavior. As with all sin, embracing it only hurts us, and it never makes anything better.

We are in a dark and perilous time, unlike any in the history of our nation. Godless forces are determined to destroy the moral foundations of our nation and western civilization. Our freedoms are in terrible danger. The radical homosexual movement is a powerful tool of these evil forces, and it is being used in an aggressive campaign to squash our natural rights of conscience, speech, association and religion and to pervert the meaning of family and marriage. Christians are the chief targets, because we are pretty much “the last man standing” in opposition to the sinful degeneracy of members of the radical homosexual movement. The attacks on Christian belief exhibited in the wake of this sad young man’s suicide are more evidence of the larger war against Christianity these homosexualists are waging. If we stop resisting their wicked efforts to redefine marriage, to silence opposition to the accommodation of “transgender” lunacy and in-your-face homosexual behavior, then we will all lose what freedoms we still retain. Do not be afraid to speak out against this great evil of our time. Do not allow yourself to be silenced.