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Anti-LGBT Columnist: Take Children Away From Gay Parents

An anti-LGBT activist writing for Alan Keyes’s Renew America this weekend called gay adoption “a crime against humanity” that must be stopped.

“If, as a society, we claim to truly be against the abuse and harm of our children, then we have a moral responsibility to keep them out of the hands of gay couples, whether ‘married’ or not,” Tim Dunkin of Conservative Underground wrote. “Don't let perverts corrupt our kids while trying to live out an impossible fantasy.”

But he wasn’t done there. He went on to insist that “handing children over to gays to be raised” is actually “worse” than “locking them in hot cars for hours on end,” writing that no society should “allow gays to ‘recruit’ children into the constellation of ‘queer’ lifestyles.”

Along with gay "marriage," the adoption of children by homosexual couples is fast becoming one of the foremost elements of the radical homosexualist agenda to be judicially imposed upon this country. As this country ramps up its efforts to corrupt and degrade the innocence of our children, judges have been forcing us – against the wills of often times large majorities of the people in the states – to allow sodomites to adopt children. The purpose for this, as is apparent to pretty much any clear minded observer, is to allow gays to "recruit" children into the constellation of "queer" lifestyles since they are unable to have children by natural means. As a result, they are seeking to draw in children into lifestyles that are completely contrary to natural law and to its Author, God.

America today plays host to a myriad of alternative lifestyles in the LGBTQ-whatever-else alliance. While they each represent a slightly different mode of perversion, they all represent the same basic, overall point – the rejection of nature and right reason and the willing choice to subvert and undermine the established natural order that God ordained at the very beginning. Yet, no amount of surgery, hormone therapy, and brainwashing can really change what came into this world naturally – regardless of how self-deluded those participating in this type of abuse may be. Think about it – if this were in any way even close to being according to nature, you wouldn't need surgery, hormone therapy, and brainwashing to try to make it happen.

Let's face it – handing children over to gays to be raised is as much abuse as is locking them in hot cars for hours on end. In fact, it's even worse – you can rescue a child from a car and make sure it never happens to him or her again, but once you start yielding to the fallacies that facilitate gay adoption and start allowing judges to force it into place via judicial fiat, you are handing children over to on-going, endemic abuse that will last for the next 18 years. That is a crime against humanity, and no sane society would do this. If the stories I've seen and read about the way many kids are "raised" by gay "parents" are any indication, a child caught up in this is in for a long, miserable, hellish ride. If, as a society, we claim to truly be against the abuse and harm of our children, then we have a moral responsibility to keep them out of the hands of gay couples, whether "married" or not. Let boys be boys and girls be girls. Don't let perverts corrupt our kids while trying to live out an impossible fantasy.