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Anti-Immigrant Zealot William Gheen Boasts Marco Rubio Is Now 'Quoting My Lines'

William Gheen, who runs the one-man anti-immigration group Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, is the subject of a fawning profile in WorldNetDaily today that focuses on Gheen’s latest grand scheme: compiling an “America hate group list” of politicians and organizations that have every said or done anything in support of immigration reform.

Claiming that “tens of thousands of Americans have been killed” and “massive atrocities” have occurred because of undocumented immigrants, Gheen tells WND, “These open-borders traitors have opened America and Americans up to every unwanted thing around the globe.”

“There’s a host of motivations,” he adds, including some who “see it as a way to destroy the U.S. and lead to the eventual displacement of our citizens.”

One politician who hasn’t been spared a place on Gheen’s list despite his about-face on immigration reform is Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, even though Gheen boasts Rubio is “out there right now quoting my lines.”

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who like Paul has expressed interest in running for president in 2016, voted in favor of SB 744 but has been talking lately as though he is against amnesty.

“He’s out there right now quoting my lines. He was on Sean Hannity’s show a couple of weeks ago and my lines are suddenly on the lips of Marco Rubio,” Gheen said.

And it won’t take much to get on the list. Even if a candidate has a solid voting record, such as Paul, one comment that is made in favor of granting leniency to illegal aliens will be enough to land him on the list permanently, Gheen said.

“Once you go on the list, you’re always going to be on the list. You don’t get any second chances,” Gheen said. “Once we put you on that list, we are going to do everything in our power to make sure you are never elected or re-elected.”

He added, “Our plan is to make this the most comprehensive amnesty list in the country, so that when loved ones get the bad news that someone’s been killed by an illegal immigrant, or they lose a job, or lose their home, or maybe they lose a local school or hospital resource, they will know who to blame.”

“This is our America hate group list. It’s an America-hating group,” Gheen said. “That’s why the Southern Poverty Law Center will eventually be listed, as well as La Raza.”

Gheen said ALIPAC’s ultimate goal is to create two lists. One with amnesty supporters in business, politics and the nonprofit world and a second showing the victims of illegal immigration.

“We hope if we receive enough support that this list will be married to another list that will be for all those Americans that have lost their lives due to illegal immigration. It will be an online monument to the massive atrocities that have been committed against our citizens by this betrayal,” he said. “We’re now looking at a situation in which tens of thousands of Americans have been killed by this plan that has been furthered by the likes of Marco Rubio, George Bush, Jeb Bush, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, the Chamber of Commerce and the list goes on. The blood from these victims of the illegal immigration invasion cries from the ground, and we hope to see the American people correcting the injustice.”

Gheen said ALIPAC does not have actual numbers of Americans killed due to the non-enforcement policies of the federal government, but he believes they are in the thousands.

“It’s through murders, drunken-driving deaths, deaths by diseases that have come in through unscreened illegal immigrants, including the Mexican flu,” he said. “These open-borders traitors have opened America and Americans up to every unwanted thing around the globe. We’re wide open to it. The defenses of the United States are down. There’s a host of motivations. Whether it’s corporate greed or liberal socialists with a political agenda, and some see it as a way to destroy the U.S. and lead to the eventual displacement of our citizens.”