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Anti-Immigrant Coalition To Hold Protests Blaming Undocumented Immigrants For Ebola

William Gheen’s Americans for Legal Immigration PAC and James Neighbors of Overpasses for America, the crack team that brought us this summer’s sparsely attended and unabashedly xenophobic protests against Central American children, are back with another round this weekend, this time attempting to tie undocumented immigrants to the Ebola virus.

In an email alert that went out to Gheen’s activist list yesterday with the subject line “New National Wave of Protests Against Obama, Illegla Immigration, & Ebola,” Gheen and Neighbors announce that a “new twist to this next wave of events will be protesters wearing medical face masks to protest Obama allowing Ebola into America.”

In the email, Gheen implies that undocumented immigrants — including the longtime U.S. residents who would be affected by immigration reform — are bringing Ebola into the United States. "Obama won't stop Ebola from entering America because to do so he would have to stop his immigration reform plans and illegal immigration!" he declares.

After making history in July with more than 300 protests nationwide in a 24 hour period, this next wave is designed to remind voters that Obama's policies are on the ballot in the November 4, 2014 midterm elections and which may become American's last chance to rebuke Obama and put a stop to his plans to decree amnesty for millions of illegal aliens before year's end! A new twist to this next wave of events will be protesters wearing medical face masks to protest Obama allowing Ebola into America.

"We need a Democrat apocalypse on November 4 and then to go after the Republicans facilitating Obama's dictatorial abuses of power and immigration reform amnesty, which are designed to permanently destroy America's borders, the Constitution, and the Republic!" said William Gheen President of ALIPAC. "Obama won't stop Ebola from entering America because to do so he would have to stop his immigration reform plans and illegal immigration!"

Some protesters will carry signs opposing Obama's plans to allow non American Ebola patients to be brought into America while refusing to stop non essential travel from Ebola infection areas. Others plan to wear face masks and bio suits in protest increasing the visual display attracting public attention with American flags and signs! [sic throughout.]

Not only have there been no cases of Ebola among undocumented immigrants in the United States, but there have been no cases in any of the top ten countries of origin of undocumented immigrants.

But, as we noted last week, the anti-immigrant movement has been hyping fears of Ebola in an attempt to tie the virus to immigration. Gheen is especially eager to tie his anti-immigrant activism to the right-wing issue of the day, including organizing rallies in support of the police officer who shot Missouri teenager Michael Brown.

Gheen and Neighbors are fringe activists, but they aren’t treated as such by many in the anti-immigrant Right. Their protests this summer were promoted by right-wing talk show hosts including Mark Levin and the American Family Association’s Sandy Rios, and one protest even included a birther-leaning speech by Rep. Steve King of Iowa.

The Center for New Community has posted a map of this weekend’s planned protests, with the note that many protests that Gheen and his allies announced this summer didn’t actually seem to take place at all.