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Anti-Gay Pundits Equate Homosexuality With Eating Feces And Children, Drinking Poison

Anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera appeared on recent episode of "America's Survival," where he and co-host Jerry Kenney made their case against homosexuality by likening it to rape, eating feces, eating children, murder, incest, and drinking poison.

After Kenney boldly declared that "I don't believe in gay people" on the grounds that nobody can prove to him "scientifically" that there is any genetic cause of homosexuality, he asserted that claiming that gay people are just "born that way" is like saying that a rapist ought to be free to rape because he was "just born a rapist."

Kenney then went on to say that there is nothing "natural" about homosexuality because whenever it occurs in nature "it doesn't occur for very long." This led him to assert that homosexuality can't be genetic because, if it was, "it [would] have died with the very first person that had the gene mutation."

Even if one does accept the claim that homosexuality is natural, Kenney continued, that still doesn't justify it because "there are a lot of things that are natural that aren't necessarily good."

"In nature, animals rape one another," he said. "So should rape be okay? Some animals eat their own waste, is that okay? Animals eat their young. Is our new standard now, in this society that we've brought down and as long as we're at the animal level then it's okay?"

"Wouldn't murder be natural?" asked LaBarbera. "Wouldn't incest be natural?"

"Poison is natural," responded Kenney. "Let's all drink a cup of poison":