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Anti-Gay Activist: Supreme Court Will Destroy America With Gay Marriage Ruling

Bill Johnson of the American Decency Association traveled to Washington, D.C., this week to march against gay marriage and warn of divine blowback to a Supreme Court decision striking down marriage equality bans.

In preparation for the trip, Johnson wrote on the ADA’s website that the gay rights movement is a Satanic attack on the U.S., wondering if these are “the last days of a truly free America.”

Predicting that “pastors and non-profit Christian organizations as American Decency will be targeted for merely preaching and teaching the counsel of God” if the Supreme Court makes such a ruling, Johnson warned that “truth, righteousness, the free expression of belief, Christian conscience, will be removed from our schools, our government – even many churches that fear man more than God.”

“Those against God’s word will be helping to destroy America from within – ushering in an increasingly godless culture (where right will be wrong and wrong will be right) as intolerance against God and His Holy Word will mark our culture at all levels of society,” he wrote. “The land of the free? It will be no longer.”

God calls homosexuality an abomination. That is a very strong word but that’s what God calls it: an abomination. One dictionary defined abomination in the following way: vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.:

God curses a nation which turns their back upon Him. A nation that elevates abomination is in rebellion against God and His Holy character and His Holy Word.

Satan uses sin to divide. America is being divided. Perhaps the most recent display of that was in regard to the state of Indiana where major corporations and politicians - even the NCAA and the NFL (of all organizations) - excoriated Governor Mike Pence for merely trying to pass a state version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) - which had already been overwhelmingly passed by the Federal government in 1993 and signed by then President Bill Clinton. State Senator Barack Obama had voted in favor of RFRA in the state of Illinois. RFRA passed there by a vote of 93-0 (1998).

Division. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

If the Supreme Court announces that it will approve same sex marriage when it makes its historic announcement sometime in June, be ready for an assault on the Freedom of Religion that will surely come.

Pastors and non-profit Christian organizations as American Decency will be targeted for merely preaching and teaching the counsel of God - what God’s word has to say about many things including homosexuality.

Those against God’s word will be helping to destroy America from within – ushering in an increasingly godless culture (where right will be wrong and wrong will be right) as intolerance against God and His Holy Word will mark our culture at all levels of society.

Christians will be forced to keep preaching and teaching to ourselves within our houses of worship, but no longer in the highways and byways of life. And, when that happens, truth, righteousness, the free expression of belief, Christian conscience, will be removed from our schools, our government – even many churches that fear man more than God.

The land of the free? It will be no longer.