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Anti-Feminist, Anti-Gay Religious Right Leader Resigns Over Extramarital Affair

Doug Phillips of Vision Forum and Vision Forum Ministries resigned last week over an extramarital affair.

There has been serious sin in my life for which God has graciously brought me to repentance. I have confessed my sin to my wife and family, my local church, and the board of Vision Forum Ministries. I engaged in a lengthy, inappropriate relationship with a woman. While we did not “know” each other in a Biblical sense, it was nevertheless inappropriately romantic and affectionate.

Phillips is the son of late conservative activist Howard Phillips and a leading advocate of Christian Reconstructionism and the patriarchal, anti-birth control Quiverfull.

Kathryn Joyce in Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement calls Phillips “one of the most influential proponents of the conservative Christian patriarchy movement now flourishing among homeschoolers.”

Phillips has even criticized Sarah Palin for being too “pro-homosexual” and warned that female politicians are offending God by running for office instead staying at home. In 2012, Phillips reacted to President Obama’s announcement that he supports marriage equality by warning that God will punish America, possibly with terrorist attacks or economic trouble, for Obama’s “treasonous” action:

On the Presidential Endorsement of Same-Sex Marriage: "For two decades the frog has been in the pot while the temperature has been slowly turned up. It began with the Bush's toleration for homosexuality, was advanced in full by Clinton and has reached its logical zenith under Obama. So we should not be surprised by the official announcement that the President of the United States of America has finally declared to the world his opposition to the historical, common law and biblical meaning of marriage. President Obama may be remembered for many things, but few are as fundamental in its treason to his countrymen, to his oath of office and to the living God then his decision to use the presidency to redefine a definition of marriage that was established on Day Six of Creation and has been the benchmark of civilization for 7,000 years. Mark your calendars--May 9, 2012, the President of the United States of America finally crossed a line from which there is no return without repudiation and repentance. Terrorists are dangerous. The economy is a real and present danger. But there is simply nothing other then the holocaust of the unborn which imperils the safety of our country or places our people in jeopardy as does the leader of the Western World publicly raising his fist at the Heavens and declaring that the bedrock institution of society, ordained of God and meant to be protected by the state, is little more than a convention of convenience for the children of Sodom to transform the meaning of something which is precious to Jesus Christ and a living picture of His love for the Church, into a legally protected justification for perversion, and vehicle of hatred aimed directly at that love."