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'Anti-Christian Bigotry In The Mass Media' Is To Blame For Elliot Rodger's Murder Spree

In a piece published today on the Charisma website, Tom Snyder and Ted Baehr of Movieguide assert that the real cause of Elliot Rodger's murder spree was anti-Christian bigotry within the media.

As Snyder and Baehr see it, Hollywood and television have systemically promoted an "anti-Christian, unbiblical view of sexual morality" through a "pagan ideology" that is "overtly antagonistic" to Christianity and which has turned people away from God and into "narcissistic monsters."

As a result, "this anti-Christian bigotry in the mass media has created a culture of anti-Christian bigotry and atheist advocacy" which, in turn, results in mass murder:

In his manifesto, he expresses rage against "beautiful" men and women who get all the sex partners they want, while he, at 22, still remains a virgin. He says his upcoming murder spree is a "day of retribution" against these people and against society.

Where did this young murderer get his narcissistic views about sex?

Well, for decades, the mass media—not only through thousands of books and movies, but also through the national "news" media and popular music—has been promoting the so-called "Sexual Revolution," an anti-Christian, unbiblical view of sexual morality.

This pagan ideology has undermined the institutions of marriage and the family, along with the moral fabric of the United States and many other countries.

In that light, it's important to note also that the mass media too often not only has been apathetic but also overtly antagonistic toward religion, especially Christianity and those of us who believe in the Bible.

This anti-Christian bigotry in the mass media has created a culture of anti-Christian bigotry and atheist advocacy.

Thus, one thing that stands out like a sore thumb in the life of all of the murderers mentioned above is the lack of religious training and spiritual expression in their lives. Instead of nurturing a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, all of these murderers seem obsessed by their own hedonistic pursuits.

Without God, and the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, people become narcissistic monsters looking for the next victim they can devour.

The solution to this is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Spreading that gospel is the best way to stop further media terrorism like what happened Friday night.