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Anti-Choice Leaders Blame Planned Parenthood For The "Darfur Of America"

Religious Right groups are launching another billboard campaign against Planned Parenthood for allegedly committing genocide against the African American community. Following billboards featuring Barack Obama and a young black girl reading "The Most Dangerous Place For An African American Is In the Womb," anti-choice organization are out with a new billboard accusing Planned Parenthood of targeting the black community for extermination. The leadership of the latest California billboard campaign even likened the work of the women's health group to the ongoing genocide in Darfur:

The Issues4Life Foundation and The Radiance Foundation, launch a TooManyAborted.Com abortion awareness and pro-adoption themed campaign, entitled "BLACK&BEAUTIFUL." This Black American led initiative exposes Planned Parenthood's racist and eugenics-based history and unaltered course. Sixty (60) "BLACK&BEAUTIFUL" billboards are placed throughout Oakland.


Walter B. Hoye II, President of the Issues4Life Foundation, a Black American leader committed to ending abortion, has raised awareness nationwide. "The impact of abortion in the Black Community is the Darfur of America," Hoye declares, citing the 15 million Black American lives that have been aborted since 1973.

The Radiance Foundation's co-founder, Ryan Bomberger, created the TooManyAborted.Com campaign and is an adoptee and adoptive father. "Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion chain, is a failure. They haven't budged the national unintended pregnancy rate since 1995 but are relentlessly dedicated to increasing their annual share of abortions. They heavily advocate a singular 'choice' that feeds their $1 billion dollar tax-payer subsidized budget," Bomberger says.