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Anne Graham Lotz: God Orchestrated Trump's Withdrawal From Syria to Set Up the Last Days

Right-wing pastor Anne Graham Lotz appeared on "The Jim Bakker Show" today, where she said that God may have orchestrated President Donald Trump's abrupt decision to withdraw U.S. troops from northern Syria in order to bring about the Last Days.

Graham Lotz said that while she supports Trump and knows that "God has placed him in office" and "used him in an amazing way," she was very confused by his decision regarding Syria. But since God is using Trump, she figured that there must be a good reason for him "to go against all of his advisers, all of the military people" in order to "do something that God wanted him to do."

"It occurred to me that there is a war prophesied in Ezekiel 38 that has not yet taken place," she said. "When Gog, the prince of Magog—who some people believe is Putin in Russia—they come down from the north and they align with Turkey and Syria and the Sudan and Libya and then they come up and they go against Israel."

"Ezekiel 38 says, 'God has done it,' because he's bringing them against Jerusalem because he is going to judge them and he's going to destroy them," Graham Lotz added. "So I wondered, did God move Trump to move Americans out of the way, freeing up Russia to come down like the Bible says they will? Then a friend who is in the news business sent me a picture of our American base in northern Syria that, the day after we left, was filled with Russian troops and they had moved into our base. They are now in northern Syria. So I'm just wondering if it's like a chess board and if the pieces are being moved to set up maybe the last of the Last Days."