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Ann Coulter's 'Adios America': The GOP's Immigration Policy Unplugged

In her new book “Adios, America! The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole,” Ann Coulter works tirelessly to hand-pick the perfect “immigrant gone wrong” stories to convince us to deport them all. Coulter, an immigration reform opponent who hopes the government will “round up and deport 11 million illegals,” argues that “the only thing that stands between America and oblivion is a total immigration moratorium.”

Claiming that Democrats only support immigrant rights to get more votes, Coulter tells Republicans that “there is simply no reason for [them] to legalize 30 million people who will vote 8-2 against them.” This book, endorsed by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Phyllis Schlafly, and Roy Beck of the anti-immigrant group Numbers USA, proves to be one of Coulter’s most outlandish works yet.

Coulter starts us off with sound advice regarding the type of immigrants we should and should not be letting in to America. According to Coulter, America needs to draft immigrants like the New England Patriots draft players. “No one guilts them into taking a blind kid with one leg over an All American – much less the blind kid’s cousin,” she quips. Because we are in a “sellers’ market,” Coulter urges the Land of the Free to turn away “immigrants’ elderly relatives arriving in wheelchairs,” as well as “cripples, illiterates, and the desperately poor.”

“Earlier immigrants proved their heartiness by vomiting all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to get here,” she asserts, implying that those who risk life and limb to enter into the U.S. today simply don’t cut it. And in case you were confused, “America is not a ‘nation of immigrants,’ it is not an ‘idea,' it was never ‘diverse,’ and ‘diversity’ is a catastrophe.” And, she says, America is white: “Without the white settlers, what is known as 'America' would still be an unnamed continent full of migratory tribes chasing the rear end of a buffalo every time their stomachs growled.”

Moreover, America was virtually perfect before the arrival of “brown people,” Coulter informs us. And no, she is not referring to African Americans who, just in case you were murky on your history, were “freed by Republicans, then discriminated against for another century— mostly by Democrats— until Republicans finally got the Democrats to stop.” Instead, Coulter is referring to Latin American and Asian immigrants, who “don’t get to piggyback on the black experience in America.”

“What’s going to happen when a mostly white senior population is being supported by a mostly brown younger population,” Coulter wonders, before asserting that “despite a hegemonic propaganda campaign about all cultures being equal, they aren’t.” She continues that “there’s nothing good about diversity, other than the food, and we don’t need 128 million Mexicans for the restaurants.”

And when it comes to Somalis, “even Somalia doesn’t want Somalis,” so why should we?

Coulter presents cold, hard facts to back up her claims, especially her argument that immigrants are inherently violent. “Ninety percent of the names on the U.S. Marshals’ list of most wanted criminals would not have been recognizable as names fifty years ago,” she claims. And, moreover, “the dream of many 'Dreamers' is to rob, assault, and murder Americans.”

“When it comes to multiculturalism,” Coulter warns, “you can’t say, We love the empanadas— but we don’t want forty-year-old men raping their nieces. You don’t get to choose. This is not a buffet.”  And just so everyone is clear, “gang rape, child rape, elder rape, and murder rape are highly correlated with specific ethnic groups— ethnic groups we are bringing to America by the busload.”

What about white rapists? They simply do not exist, writes Coulter. This is because “white, Protestant, Anglo-Saxon America” is alone in the world as a haven for minorities, women, children, plants, and animals. None have fared so well in any other culture.” America, a nation that has apparently been “taking rape seriously since the first settlers arrived,” is chock-full of “neurotic” women and journalists who cook up “false accusations of rape against American white men.” In fact, “under the diversity regime, everyone gets special rights and privileges, except white men.”

“You can’t make a governing Democratic coalition without breaking a few girls,” Coulter remarks.

Because of all this, Coulter advises Republicans to quit trying to appeal to black and Latino voters and just stick to recruiting white voters by stirring up anti-immigrant sentiment. Or, as she puts it, Republicans “should be unapologetically opposing the transformation of America into a Third World country.”

Coulter’s “advice” for Republicans seems to be resonating in a party that recently quashed an immigration reform bill making its way through Congress. Years after the GOP released an “autopsy” report urging Republicans to “embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform” in a way that “takes into consideration the unique perspective if the Hispanic community,” Republican leaders now seem to be coming around to Coulter’s perspective that immigration reform is bad for the country and that Republicans should campaign on their anti-immigrant stances rather than trying to broaden the party’s appeal beyond its traditional base.

“When Republicans ignore white voters, they lose. When they ignore minorities and drive up the white vote, they win,” Coulter asserts.

Coulter isn’t screaming into a void: it appears that many right-wing presidential hopefuls are following suit. 

Coulter, who credits white nationalist Peter Brimelow for her anti-immigrant politics, praises the hardline “self-deportation” platform that Mitt Romney embraced in his 2012 presidential bid. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker recently told Glenn Beck that he seeks to reduce legal immigration levels, while Rick Santorum has boasted that he has tried to lower legal immigration rates for years and chastises the Democratic Party for “selling their souls” by backing immigration reform. These candidates have cynically touted their anti-immigrant streaks as a way to attract white working class voters, just as Coulter recommends.

The Republican Party seems determined to confront the shifting demographics of the American electorate not by changing their policies, but by attempting to change the demographics. It says a lot that it’s Ann Coulter who is leading the charge.