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Ann Coulter: Conservatives Can’t Speak at Berkeley Because ‘It’s Only Like 25 Percent White’

Ann Coulter speaking at the 2016 Politicon at the Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, California. (Photo: Gage Skidmore via Flickr Commons)

Ann Coulter, a conservative firebrand who is cozy with white nationalists, told Breitbart listeners yesterday that the reason that conservatives like her face protests when they plan events at University of California, Berkeley, is because the makeup of the campus is “only like 25 percent white” and immigrants don’t value freedom.

Last night, Coulter joined the "Breitbart News Tonight" program on SiriusXM radio to contribute her brand of inflammatory and demeaning rhetoric against immigrants to the show’s September 11 episode. During her appearance, she railed against people from Muslim-majority countries being allowed to immigrate into the U.S. and declared Republicans “totally woke to the immigration issue.” As the show progressed, Coulter began to suggest that immigrants who aren’t white have a natural incompatibility with American democracy.

“It takes a long time to get used to freedom. It takes a long time to get used to. It’s not a natural state. I think it’s a very nice state, I think it’s wonderful we can pull it off, but to get used to democracy and a constitutional republic and freedom—I think it isn’t a surprise people that think its millennials who don’t believe in free speech, no millennials are kind of—that’s a proxy for immigrants,” Coulter said. “Immigrants tend to be much younger.”

“Why can no conservative speak at Berkeley? Well, Berkeley—Google this one, too—it’s only like 25 percent white,” Coulter said.

A couple seconds of dead air pass before a Breitbart host says, “Yeah.”

Coulter added, “You’re dealing mostly with immigrants who do not—and in poll, after poll, after poll, after poll, Asian immigrants, Hispanic immigrants, whatever the immigrants are—they will answer questions [like], ‘Do you think people have a right to say something that hurts someone’s feelings?’ No.”