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An Exercise In Projection: John Whitehead Warns Of Government 'Paranoia'

Every since the Obama administration announced the creation of a new position within the Department of Justice that is to be focused on countering domestic terrorism, right-wing activists have been whipping up fears that the government is going to start persecuting Christians and conservatives.

On the American Family Radio's "Focal Point" program yesterday, guest host Janet Mefferd dedicated two segments to discussing this new supposed threat with John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute, who declared, without a hint of irony, that the creation of such a position is rooted in government "paranoia." That is, the paranoia that government officials supposedly have about conservatives.

When Mefferd demanded to know what authority the government has to "go after right-wing extremists as a pre-crime target ... This is a violation of the Constitution," Whitehead responded by chalking it all up to government paranoia and then proceeded to warn that the Department of Homeland Security is stockpiling millions of rounds of ammunition that it plans to use against American citizens.

"We're dealing with some paranoid people," he warned. "When you have the Department of Homeland Security, which we know now, several years ago, purchased 1.6 million hollow point bullets for their agents; they were not looking out toward ISIS."

Whitehead went on to claim that a local police chief he knows of has likewise been stockpiling military-style weapons and equipment in preparation for the possibility of having to put down an uprising of local citizens, prompting Whitehead to warn gun owners not to post anything on social media about owning weapons because SWAT teams are just itching to carry out violent raids against perceived threats, such as the names of eight million gun owners which he claims are being cataloged and stored in databases so the government knows who to "round up in times of emergency."