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Amy Coney Barrett Puts Reversal of Marriage Equality ‘Clearly Within Sight,’ Says Anti-Equality National Organization for Marriage 

National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown (Image from April 28, 2015 appearance on C-SPAN's Washington Journal)

While many Republicans and right-wing activists are pretending that they have no idea how Amy Coney Barrett will rule on major issues, anti-equality activists like National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown aren’t being so coy.

In an email to supporters Wednesday, Brown said his group’s goal of overturning the U.S. Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling in Obergefell is now “clearly within sight.”

When the US Supreme Court illegitimately redefined marriage in 2015 with their anti-constitutional ruling in the Obergefell case, NOM vowed to work every day to overturn that decision. People said we were crazy to think that was possible. We were mocked and ridiculed by LGBT activists for even suggesting that the Supreme Court would ever reverse their ruling imposing gay ‘marriage.’ Regardless, NOM pressed on and now the supposedly unthinkable is clearly within sight.

They don’t think we’re crazy any longer.

Brown was gleeful that Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., mentioned NOM during his questioning of Barrett, calling it evidence that “leading politicians from both parties see NOM as a powerful force for marriage and all the issues we care so deeply about.”

Brown continued, “We may already have the five votes we need on the US Supreme Court to overturn the Obergefell decision that redefined marriage, but there is no question that the addition of Amy Coney Barrett to the Court significantly strengthens our hand.”