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American Pastors Network Promotes Day of Prayer for Midterms, Urges Vote for ‘Biblical Principles’

The American Pastors Network's Sam Rohrer (Image from Stand in the Gap video)

American Pastors Network leaders used their “Stand in the Gap” radio show this week to promote a national day of prayer for the midterm elections on October 30. The group says its daily radio program airs on 425 stations. “Exactly one week before Election Day will help focus and calibrate people’s thinking and energy—and we pray they will put that energy into going to the Lord on behalf of our country,” said APN president Sam Rohrer.

Pennsylvania Pastors Network Executive Director Gary Dull was quoted in a Monday email message from APN saying that he is personally “burdened” about the elections, "particularly since we’ve heard of evangelical pastors who are traveling to 30 cities in 10 states to tell Christians to vote Democrat.”

“Too many Christians could be deceived into voting the wrong way biblically,” Dull added. “This is a Jude situation developing right in front of us—false teachers entering into our midst. As believers in Christ, we are compelled in the Scripture to pray for our nation, our government and those who are in authority according to 1 Timothy 2:1-7. Prayer truly enables us to see the work of God, and the more earnestly and specifically we pray, the more we will see God at work. The upcoming midterm elections may truly be the most serious midterms in America’s history, which is why all concerned believers across America should unite in serious prayer that God will put into office those who will stand for biblical principles in all of their governance.”

On Monday’s radio show, Dull said, “I fully believe that the left-leaning politicians, the left-leaning media, will do everything that can be done to try to thwart any election that is going to perhaps strengthen the policies of Donald Trump and those of us who conservative and indeed, conservative Christians.”

If liberals have their way, he warned, religious freedom will be “squashed.” He urged listeners to “pray, pray, pray for the election, and then vote, vote, vote for the biblical perspective.”

Among the “biblical principles” at stake in the elections, said APN leaders in their Monday email:

  • Pro-life issues and the protection of the unborn
  • Freedom to practice faith
  • Selecting conservative and constitutional justices to the federal court system
  • A solid and protected national boarder
  • Support of the nation of Israel
  • Legal immigration
  • Pastors being free to preach the whole counsel of God without governmental threat
  • Having people in office who believe, understand and support the Judeo-Christian ethic upon which America was founded
  • A sound economy
  • Strong national defense
  • Integrity in government
  • A biblically sound approach to LGBTQ issues
  • Protecting the expression of God in the public square
  • Constitutional values with a strong emphasis on the Bill of Rights