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American Decency Association takes on Ryan Murphy's 'Glee' and 'New Normal'

The American Decency Association is going after Ryan Murphy and his two shows, Glee and The New Normal, for its stances on gay rights and supposed anti-Christian themes. The anti-gay ADA slammed Glee over its “sexualized themes and secular humanist propaganda indoctrinating viewers” and inclusion of “two openly homosexual teen boys whose lifestyle has been positively featured over the years.” The group warned that watching Glee is a violation of the Bible since the show “legitimize[s] perversity” and is “plied with such indoctrination leading young people to accept and approve of immoral lifestyles.”

The cultural waters our youth are swimming in are more than murky - a more apt description would be raw sewage. It’s hard to think of even one network television show that offers positive examples to viewers.

There is one wildly popular show watched by millions of teens, preteens, and adults which, on the surface, would seem fairly innocuous. The program is “Glee” on the Fox Network. Glee garners millions of viewers each week who tune in to watch this show about a mixed group of high-schoolers who are part of a modern-day glee club. Included with typical high school drama are entertaining song-and-dance numbers.

It sounds rather harmless, right? Think again. Glee is about as far from a “Sound of Music” production as you can get. Glee is often edgy, erotic, and extremely popular with youth – both teens and preteens. And that is why the show is especially concerning. For mixed with the catchy vocal production numbers are sexualized themes and secular humanist propaganda indoctrinating viewers.

The fourth season of Glee premiered this past Thursday evening, introducing a new male student to the cast of characters which includes two openly homosexual teen boys whose lifestyle has been positively featured over the years. This new student just happens to be a cross-dressing, makeup-wearing transsexual. But of course that barely raised an eyebrow among the show’s characters because, as one student stated, they’re “all about diversity and acceptance.”

Each week millions of teens and preteens tune in for Glee and are subtly plied with such indoctrination leading young people to accept and approve of immoral lifestyles all in the name of “diversity and tolerance.” How many Christian young people – and adults – are entertained by a show that gives approval of what God calls “debased” in Romans 1?

Romans 1:32 states: “Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.” This verse seems to speak not only to those who “practice” such immorality (such as the openly gay Ryan Murphy), but also to those who “approve” of it. Doesn’t it seem that being entertained by shows that legitimize perversity falls into the category of “giving approval” of it?

The ADA also criticized Murphy’s new comedy, The New Normal, and asked members to contact advertisers to withdraw from the show since it “pushes the gay agenda” and “offensively labels those who hold traditional values as bigoted homophobes.”

As a corporation that has chosen to sponsor the NBC television show “The New Normal,” I’m outraged by your support of a show that not only crosses the line with offensive, lewd verbiage and sexual imagery, but also pushes the gay agenda, while it offensively labels those who hold traditional values as bigoted homophobes.

Millions of Americans hold views regarding the gay agenda and same sex marriage that differ from the opinions pushed by Hollywood elites. This is made clearly obvious by the voters in dozens of states from the east coast to the west who have overwhelmingly upheld traditional marriage.

“The New Normal” blatantly mocks me and those millions of Americans by labeling us as “intolerant haters” when in fact the message you sponsor through this show is one of hate and intolerance toward those of us who hold a different viewpoint regarding the gay agenda.

Do you really want your company name associated with a show that mocks and offends millions of potential customers? If you continue to sponsor “The New Normal” I will do my best to tell my family and friends to include you on their “no shop” list.

I look forward to your response.