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Alveda King Implies COVID-19 Hit New York So Hard Because It Is ‘The Home of Abortion’

Alveda King appearing on "Fox & Friends Weekend" on August 13, 2017

Anti-abortion activist Alveda King implied last week that New York has been hit so hard by the COVID-19 pandemic because it is “the home of abortion.” Religious-right leaders routinely portray the U.S. as deserving of God’s wrath for permitting legal abortion.

King made her comments on a Wednesday night online gathering called by POTUS Shield founder Frank Amedia to promote “The Return,” a religious-right pre-election rally being planned for Sept. 26 on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. King, who is a member of the POTUS Shield leadership council, said she would be attending “The Return.”

On the call, Amedia asked King to talk about the topic of abortion, saying that “too many children have died, and the blood is crying out to our Lord.” Amedia reminded listeners that he has prophesied that God would allow President Donald Trump to name three Supreme Court justices and enough lower court judges to change the law of the land. Trump has an “assignment of God” to do away with abortion, Amedia said, which is a reason that POTUS Shield supports Trump:

But the biggest thing that I see, the biggest function we have, is we have a man that God has put his hand upon, and he has assignments, and one of the biggest assignments of all—besides busting up the Babylonian system and dealing with China, and all the other mantles that have fallen upon this single man—is the life of the unborn children. And that's an assignment of God. And we have to see that all the way through, and we need to see that through to its conclusion … God cannot close his eyes to the murder of children and putting children on the altar and the sacrifice of our own selfishness and humanism.

Amedia turned the microphone over to King, saying, “Lead us, beloved, like only you can, please.”

King noted that Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have talked about the need to protect women’s access to abortion during the pandemic, and she mocked the idea, asking, “How are you gonna save lives by taking life?”

King suggested that New York, which has been the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, is “having a lot of problems” because it is “the home of abortion” and was home to Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood—or in King’s words, “the founder of all this atrocity.” King compared Sanger to satanic figures and ancient gods said to require child sacrifice:

You have to realize Margaret Sanger was from New York. She was the founder of all this atrocity. She ushered it in in this generation. It's not new, you know Baphomet and Moloch … all that stuff, and I'm not giving them any glory. This is not new, but in every generation, they keep trying again. So, we as the people of God have to rise up without being afraid and come against it. And so now, the blood of the innocents here in our own nation continues to cry out from the ground … So, it is our obligation, it’s our opportunity, it’s our honor and our blessing to stand for life in America.

New York is having a lot of problems, but that's the home of abortion. We have to remember that. So now, in the name of Jesus, by the power of Holy Spirit, we bind and break and cancel that spirit of abortion, that spirit of murder, the spirit of shedding of innocent blood, that includes all the other things—the sexual abuse and the manipulations of young children who are allowed to be born, the infanticide, the abortion, the genocide. We bind and curse and cancel those contracts.

King recounted a conversation she said she had with God in February after visiting Trump in the White House. “And I remember when COVID hit, I said, ‘God, is this you?'’’ King said. “And God said, ‘No.’”

King said God pointed her to Psalm 2, which talks about the rulers of the Earth challenging God and then, according to King’s retelling, “God in Heaven laughs and then gets real stern about it.”

“I said, ‘So why did you allow it, then?’” King said. “Then he says, ‘So, y’all could do 2 Chronicles 7:14’”—a verse ubiquitous at religious-right gatherings that says if God’s people repent and humble themselves, he will hear from Heaven and heal their land.

“Can a nation be born in a day?” King said, referencing the biblical book of Isaiah. “Can a nation be born again in a day? Absolutely. Absolutely. We have to repent, though.”

King praised and prayed for Trump and asked God to “expose” members of his administration who might not be loyal:

We are blessed. And we thank God for a president who abhors abortion, who abhors the shedding of innocent blood and puts behind that statement everything that he can put behind, to continue to rescue these babies. So, we are very grateful. We have to speak life, choose life, and vote life.

It is time now for us to rise and shine for the light of the glorious gospel is truly upon us. Bless our president, his team, his administration, his task force, even the tricky ones—they want to lie and pretend they’re one thing and they’re another thing. Just expose that, Lord, and deal with them in the name of Jesus.

In other news, King said on the call that God had recently asked her to redesign her ministry’s logo.