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ALIPAC Calls For Obama’s Arrest, Warns Of 'Unaccompanied Children From 3rd World Countries Rushing Our Southern Border'

William Gheen of Americans For Legal Immigration PAC has a new plan for stopping immigration reform: convincing “some judges” and the House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest President Obama for “his actions that have directly contributed to the mass murder of American citizens by his illegal immmigrants [sic]” and for what he imagines is the “huge surge of unaccompanied children from third world countries rushing our southern border.”

Gheen has been galvanized by a deeply dishonest new report from the Center for Immigration Studies that claims that the Obama administration released 36,000 undocumented immigrants convicted of committing crimes last year. The Daily Beast explains how the number is sorely inflated and reveals very little. But to Gheen it’s “solid proof that [Obama] is an accessory to mass murder and numerous other crimes.”

Gheen wrote in a press release yesterday:

"We need a President who will protect American citizens from the many perils of illegal immigration and a Congress that will protect us from this President. That is why we are calling for impeachment and now the arrest of Barack Obama!" exclaimed William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "Obama's willful violations of numerous existing federal laws and his oath of office demand action now that we all have the solid proof that he is an accessory to mass murder and numerous other crimes. We are asking members of Congress to abandon Obama's calls for immigration reform amnesty for illegals and to instead file impeachment measures, and to approach some judges and the House Sgt-At-Arms to request the arrest of Barack Obama so he can be tried for his actions that have directly contributed to the mass murder of American citizens by his illegal immmigrants!"

He followed up the press release with an email to his group’s members today urging them to call their members of Congress to urge Obama’s arrest for turning the U.S. “into some kind of totalitarian non Constitutional governance.” He also warns that Obama’s executive order implementing parts of the DREAM Act has led to “a huge surge of unaccompanied children from third world countries rushing our southern border.”

ALIPAC's illegal alien invasion fighters,

Obama must be stopped and perhaps if enough Americans expressed their outrage to Congress it could be done. Obama's unlawful amnesty decree has thrown the United States into some kind of totalitarian non Constitutional governance by implementing rules that are not based on Congressional legislation.

At this time, the immigration policies of the United States are not operating under the auspices of the Constitution, Congress, or We the People and the results are that our Republic, that so many of our ancestors fought and died for, is being overthrown.

As you read this e-mail, reports indicate that there is a huge surge of unaccompanied children from third world countries rushing our southern border because of Obama's promised lifting of justice for "childhood arrivals." Texas is considering setting up large tent camps to handle this new flow generated by Obama. And since we are stopping Obama's amnesty plans in Congress at this time, Obama is considering more illegal executive orders to pursue his goal of submerging Americans who think like you beneath unending waves of angry illegal aliens willing to say or do anything to take more from Americans.

And now we have the direct proof that the Obama administration is an accessory to the mass murder of Americans by tens of thousands of illegal aliens, already charged with or convicted of felonies, that he has released from prison in violation of current US laws!

If this does not mobilize you, nothing will. And if this does not mobilize Congress, nothing will.

We need tens of thousands of angry calls to Congress today demanding that Congress facilitate the arrest, impeachment, and trial of Barack Obama.

This is the proper way for us to firmly express the level of our anger. This is the way we can break through the complacency in Congress. Even today, John Boehner.

Step 1: Read, share, and circulate our press release calling for the arrest of Obama. Please send it to members of Congress and as many local and national press contacts as you can. We are doing our best to get it to members of the media who may respond but we need your help!

Americans Call for Obama's Arrest For Murder of US Citizens Via Released Illegals

Step 2: Start with your member of Congress and then move on to the 49 Republicans moving to help Boehner and Obama make the illegal alien invasion of America permanent and more rapid through passing amnesty. Ring the phones off the hook in DC demanding

"arrest Obama for the all of the murders committed by illegal aliens through his non enforcement of the laws of Congress"

Call them on the phone, hit the Facebook pages of Congressional reps found with simple searches on their names, send in faxes, and letters. Move now as one, because this is your chance to change the focus from amnesty to Obama's abuses.