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Alan Keyes Says Impeaching Obama Would Be A 'Prayer' For God To Bless America Once Again

Long before Sarah Palin started calling for President Obama’s impeachment, conservative activist Alan Keyes had been consistently urging Republicans jump on the impeachment wagon, even suggesting that Jesus Christ favors impeaching the president.

According to Keyes, impeaching Obama would be the first step toward restoring God’s blessing on America by showing that we are repenting for the country’s sin of electing Obama, who defeated Keyes in the 2004 Illinois U.S. Senate race.

“Do this as a prayer to the Creator God whose authority over justice those principles acknowledge,” he writes today in WorldNetDaily. “Do this so that once again our nation may deserve to enjoy the blessings of that God-endowed liberty which has been, and by our faithfulness may yet continue to be, our common hope; our common life; our common good.”


Hello, Dr. Keyes. Even if the House were to impeach … you’d never get the Senate to convict. … What’s the point when the corruption extends into both parties and into both houses? Perhaps the following should be our main goal; we as a people MUST return to a loving relationship with God … we as a people MUST return to virtue. Is this not far more important than “the impeachment field – ripe for the harvest”?


In everything I write and everything I do my aim is to encourage people of faith to act like it when it comes to their vocation as citizens. This is why I have constantly emphasized that our first order of business as American citizens is to remember and apply the principles on which our nation is founded, starting with the self-evident truth that we “are created equal and endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.”

However, achieving this goal cannot be a matter of lip-service to faith. From the first, Christ preached repentance. If we talk about the need to return to God and yet refuse to turn to Him, even in the hour of our greatest need, we are not repentant. Indeed, we act like an obese person who talks about losing weight but who will not turn away from overeating and idleness and back to the standard of healthy living in order to do so.

Repentance is a work of God’s grace, by which His Spirit renews within us the activity of life, much as it did when it mingled with the man of dust in order that he should become a living soul. By this renewal of life God calls us to return to Him, through the way of truth and life that He has prepared and offered us for our salvation. We signify our acceptance of His offer when we walk in this way, not when we talk about the need to do so and then let the deceitful cavils of fear paralyze our goodwill.

I urge you to visit the Pledge to Impeach website. I urge you conscientiously to ponder the cogent facts and reasoning you will find there. I urge you to commit yourself to the Pledge to impeach mobilization effort. I urge you thereafter to encourage all the like-minded people you know and can influence to do the same.

Do this as an act of good faith, predicated upon the principles of America’s independence as a nation. Do this as a prayer to the Creator God whose authority over justice those principles acknowledge. Do this so that once again our nation may deserve to enjoy the blessings of that God-endowed liberty which has been, and by our faithfulness may yet continue to be, our common hope; our common life; our common good.