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Alan Keyes: Obama Only Fighting ISIS So He Can Become A Dictator

Alan Keyes, who recently argued that President Obama is secretly aiding ISIS in hopes that the group will attack the U.S., today warns that Obama will take advantage of a future attack by becoming a tyrant.

Keyes writes in WorldNetDaily that Obama is leaving the southern border wide open for ISIS members, among others, to cross in order “to kill us in our schoolyards and malls,” giving the president the pretext to create a “1984”-style dictatorship in the name of fighting ISIS.

Obama has promoted the view that illegal entrants into the U.S. are only looking for jobs and economic opportunity, not the chance to kill us in our schoolyards and malls.

He has allowed a large influx of illegal entrants, supposedly children but including members of criminal gangs, into the U.S. without careful scrutiny of their health backgrounds, criminal records or possible ties to groups hostile to the United States.

He has, with an unwarranted lack of openness and disclosure, transported such entrants to locations throughout the U.S., including but not limited to U.S. military bases and civilian organizations dependent on U.S. government largesse.

In this respect, management strategy has something in common with the politics of creative destruction. The latter often involves starting a fire in the basement so you can show up at the front door offering “just the thing” to put it out. It’s a concept that helps to make sense of a situation in which someone cast in the role of president of the United States covertly implements a policy that cooperates in arming fanatical forces, which later stir a firestorm of angry reaction with their brutal and well publicized atrocities. Then, playing the role of presiding global strategist in the very war he purposefully neglected, he embarks on a strategy that is not a strategy, in a war that is not a war, against an enemy that … well, may not simply be among his enemies.

“What opportunities would that give rise to?” you wonder. As you ponder that question I invite you to consider what I said about Obama’s real enemy in my column last week, and what I say about his semantic quibbling in my most recent blog post. I also can’t help but refer you to George Orwell’s “1984,” a novel alluded to with great frequency in the era when America’s leadership was still largely committed to the defense of liberty.

Under the oppressive regime therein depicted, perpetual war was the pretext for perpetual tyranny. Enemies were simply the renewable pretext for endless war and for maintaining a regime of domestic terrorism by which “Big Brother” maintained domestic control. They were management tools in the administration of fear, which is the heart of despotism.

With this in mind, perhaps the reason so many people think Obama has no strategy is that they’re not yet willing to enlarge their thinking enough to conceive of his real objective. I pray that those who do will be brought to realize that America can’t afford to let him proceed unchallenged toward his goal. If you’re among them, consider joining the Pledge to Impeach mobilization. And then urge everyone one you know to do likewise, before America passes beyond the point when an electoral strategy still offers any chance of stopping the tyranny Obama surely represents.