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Alan Keyes: Obama Is America's 'First Islamic President'

Alan Keyes, the conservative activist who ran against President Obama in the 2004 U.S. Senate election in Illinois, took to “The Steve Malzberg Show” today to discuss the Iranian nuclear program negotiations taking place in Switzerland.

After Malzberg asked Keyes about Secretary of State John Kerry’s use of the phrase “inshallah,” an Arabic phrase for “God willing” used by Muslims and Christians alike, Keyes said that Obama administration officials have “a commitment not only to Islam and forces in Islam that have been deeply inimical to the United States but they have a particular commitment to one of the most active governmental forces that has been sponsoring terrorism against the United States and organizations that target the United States.”

Keyes, who once called Obama a Muslim, added that there was “a certain dishonesty about the way that this man ran for office: Who knew that he was going to be the first Islamic president? This was not even allowed to become a focus of any interest because he lied about it and is still lying.”