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Alan Keyes Likens Nevada Rancher To Rosa Parks, Claims Obama Wants 'The Worst Kind Of War'

Writing today in WorldNetDaily, Alan Keyes hails Cliven Bundy as a modern-day Rosa Parks, saluting the rancher and his allied militia members for their stand against President Obama’s attempt to “crush the spirit of American liberty.”

Unsurprisingly, Keyes isn’t be the first right-wing activist to compare Bundy to the late civil rights hero.

Keyes hails Bundy – who refused to pay grazing fees for over twenty years before launching an armed standoff with the Bureau of Land Management – for blocking the “Obama faction’s totalitarian socialist agenda” and its attempt “to assert pharaoh-like national ownership of much of the economically valuable land in America.”

“[T]hanks to the Obama faction’s bullying, the specter of the worst kind of war looms over our nation’s future,” Keyes writes.

The dispute over their grazing rights on land administered by the federal government brought the Bundy family into tense confrontation with the Obama faction. Obama and his cohorts intended to make an example of the Bundy family, one that would discourage all Americans tempted to stand on their rights from doing so. But what was supposed to be a spectacular execution, striking fear into the heart of Americans who still think they live in the land of the free, has instead demonstrated the fact that at least some Americans have gone beyond thinking. They have taken action.

Following the example of previous generations of Americans, they formed a 21st-century instance of one of the committees of correspondence, which were the backbone of America’s resistance to the intended tyranny of the British government in the run up to America’s war for independence. Instead of the prospect of an intimidating victory over one isolated, vulnerable family, the Obama faction faced the common resolve of an organized community of citizens asserting their right to self-government.

It was supposed to be a chilling exercise of factional dominance. Instead it was shaping up to be a Rosa Parks episode, likely to serve as the byword for inspiring citizens throughout the nation to act on what it means to be American. Worse still from the would-be tyrants’ viewpoint, the Obama faction would come off looking like the bullies they most certainly are, arrogantly drawing first blood in their bid to crush the spirit of American liberty.

Of course, the actual intention of the U.S. government’s delegated land-management role is of no importance to Obama and his minions. Their aim is to “nationalize” the land, using whatever legal pretext is available. As an excuse, they look for some legalistic pretext for asserting ownership the U.S. government was never intended to possess, along with the power to determine how land is used without any regard for what is fair to local interests and good stewardship of the land. What is happening in Nevada is just a foretaste of things to come, as proposals move forward that will have the effective of allowing the Obama faction to assert pharaoh-like national ownership of much of the economically valuable land in America.

This is proof of the Obama faction’s totalitarian socialist agenda. But it also signals that a form of government is being imposed on the nation in which the government’s power is not constrained by respect for the rights of the people, as individuals or as a whole. Instead it is being deployed with the collusion of elected officials who serve as the focal points of factional dictatorship; lords, as it were, in an oligarchic regime that is no longer supposed to represent the people who “elected” them.

Now, in the first two decades of the 21st century, we are acquiescing in a sham electoral process wherein outcomes, transparently dictated by that same elitist faction, are producing an overall administration of government intended to entrench the elitist faction’s power by completing the destruction of the material strength and rights of the people, including of course the right of self-government at all levels, which is true liberty.

Supported by like-minded patriots in their community, the Bundy family is taking a stand for that true liberty. Their action points to the fact that there are many Americans with the character and courage to stand against the would-be tyrants’ abuse of government power, despite the threat of mayhem. It also confirms the fact that, thanks to the Obama faction’s bullying, the specter of the worst kind of war looms over our nation’s future. We could surely avoid it if the GOP’s leadership was as committed to the defense of liberty as the Bundy family has shown itself to be.