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Alabama GOP Chairman: Obama Is A Sociopath, Probably

We last checked in with Alabama Republican Chairman Bill Armistead during the 2012 presidential campaign, when he was promoting the bizarre alternate birther theory that President Obama’s real father was labor organizer Frank Marshall Davis. Armistead had picked up the idea from a smear film made by right-wing filmmaker Joel Gilbert, and was very impressed, saying he had “verified that it is factual, all of it.”

Now, Armistead has gotten on board with another fringe right-wing theory about President Obama, this time echoing Wayne Allyn Root’s suggestion that the president might actually be a diagnosable sociopath because of the fact that he was on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard last week.

In an email on Monday, Armistead approvingly cited Root’s most recent column to ask, "Is Obama a sociopath?

Elsewhere in Root’s article, Armistead will have learned the activist’s signature theory that President Obama picked up a secret plan to destroy America while attending Columbia University, while simultaneously never attending Columbia classes.

Armistead is not the first GOP leader to take a shine to Root’s unhinged anti-Obama activism: Root campaigned for Mississippi Tea Party Senate candidate Chris McDaniel this summer, where he speculated that Obama “cut his Afro” in order to become an anti-American “Manchurian candidate.”