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A Window into the Paranoid Right-Wing Mind

Last week on Eagle Forum Live, Phyllis Schlafly’s guest host Bill Borst had WorldNetDaily researcher Brenda J. Elliott on to discuss her new book written with WND’s Aaron Klein. The book, Red Army, is the sequel to their book The Manchurian President. Red Army purportedly exposes “a radical socialist movement has been quietly infiltrating the major institutions of American power” and “the multipronged policy offensive aimed at disarming America.” Elliott told Borst that President Obama is merely a “useful idiot” of this shadowy, socialist network and didn’t hold back on the book’s conspiratorial nature, exclaiming, “it is a conspiracy!” “The word conspiracy theory has been really distorted,” Elliott said, “it’s been made to sound like something loony, and it’s not loony, it’s not loony!”

Borst: Brenda we were talking about President Barack Obama and the “Red Army,” how important is he to this army? Is he like the leader? Or is he a mere commissar or just a peon, so to speak?

Elliott: He’s a useful idiot. He doesn’t bring anything to the table except for a willingness to go along with the agenda. You could’ve plugged in somebody else but he’s just a guy who was in the right place at the right time.

Borst: They want to cripple America I guess, right?

Elliott: Absolutely. America, you know, is just too good of a country, we’re just too arrogant and we need to lower our standards to help out other country so they can prosper as well. Barack Obama has set back American history and American exceptionalism to almost day one, it’s very frightening. Do we have an absolute reason for why they want to do this? Stupidity is my answer. Honestly folks it is a conspiracy, two people is all it takes for a conspiracy and an intent to make something happen, that’s a conspiracy. The word conspiracy theory has been really distorted, it’s been made to sound like something loony, and it’s not loony, it’s not loony!