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A Revisionist History Lesson From Marcus Lamb

Back in June, James Robison, a member of Donald Trump's Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, appeared on Daystar's "Marcus & Joni" program, where he and the hosts made the case that conservative Christians must vote for Trump in November because of his promise to appoint hard-line conservatives to the Supreme Court.

In an attempt to demonstrate the importance of the Supreme Court, host Marcus Lamb uncorked an absurd history lesson that would even put a pseudo-historian like David Barton to shame.

"If we get the right person in office and they get to appoint the right judges," he said, "did you know that Roe v. Wade would be reversed? Did you know that same-sex marriage could be reversed? Listen, it used to be the law of the land that you could own slaves. That got reversed in the Supreme Court, so it can change but only it we stand up and do the right thing."

The Supreme Court, of course, never issued any such ruling and, in fact, ruled exactly the opposite, leading eventually to the Civil War and the passage of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery.