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A Fitting End To The Values Voter Summit: God's Judgment Is Coming And There Is No Way Out

It seemed quite fitting that the Values Voter Summit closed out two days of speakers, including eight Republican presidential hopefuls, by featuring two preachers who warned that God's judgment upon America is inevitable.

First up was Jonathan Cahn who, fresh off his utterly failed Shemitah prophecy, nevertheless continued to warn that God's judgment is imminent, not only for his standard reasons of abortion and gay marriage, but also because an image of the Hindu goddess Kali was projected upon the Empire State Building last month.

"When a nation drives out God, it always brings in other gods," Cahn said. "This god is the god of darkness. Kali is also the god of death and destruction, here over New York City. We are racing to judgment and I believe a great shaking is coming."

For good measure, Cahn also declared that the jailing of Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis was also a sign of God's impending judgment.

Following Cahn was Joel Rosenberg, who likewise warned that God's judgment was inescapable, though he provided a bit of hope that we might be able to at least forestall it if we were to outlaw and end abortion.

"We're facing implosion," he stated. "We're not just facing a rough patch, we're facing implosion. We cannot kill 58 million babies and escape the judgment of God ... The train has left the station. Judgment is coming. There is no way out."