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$30K Raised For Man Charged With Assisting Lisa Miller

We had been covering the Lisa Miller saga for over a year, but the trail had largely gone cold as Miller had kidnapped her daughter and disappeared and nobody seemed to know where they were ... until last month when a man, Timothy Miller [no relation], was arrested for allegedly having helped Miller and her daughter flee the country.

Timo Miller, as he is known, is now being charged with aiding in an "international parental kidnapping" ... and, of course, his supporters have set up a legal defense website to help him fight the charges which paints both Lisa and Timo as Christian heroes for refusing to allow a "child to become a pawn of the agenda of those who desire to 'normalize' homosexuality":

Since God has not intended for two men or two women to raise children as a family unit, they can’t produce children on their own. This creates a problem in their agenda to create the perception that homosexual behavior is normal. Thus they resort to adopting children or using artificial insemination from a male donor in the case of a lesbian relationship. Can you imagine being a child growing up in the middle of such an environment? It is a tragedy that laws and courts in our nation can be manipulated to allow an innocent and defenseless child to become a pawn of the agenda of those who desire to “normalize” homosexuality. Truly sin has devastating consequences.


A mother goose will fight to the death to protect her young. So will a robin or a mama bear. God has put instincts into a mother to protect their young. Lisa did what any good mother would do. She “died” while attempting to protect her young child from what she perceived as very imminent danger. Rather than risk what she felt was certain harm to her daughter, she took her child, and fled to Nicaragua .


The criminal complaint against Timo Miller says he aided in the removal of a child from the US in order to interfere with “parental” custody. It accuses him of arranging tickets, and picking them up at the airport.

The accusation begs a question. How can a biologically unrelated individual who has not gone through the adoption process even have “parental” rights? Homosexual marriages are not recognized federally, nor are they recognized by most states. In fact, most states have specific prohibitions banning homosexual marriage. These bans help to protect children from becoming pawns for homosexual activists who desire to use them in their crusade to “normalize” the homosexual lifestyle. Unfortunately, Vermont does not offer such protections to its defenseless children.

According to an update from yesterday, the defense fund has already raised over $30,000.