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Mark Driscoll and Sean Feucht Say Harris/Walz Are Backed by Demonic Forces

Mark Driscoll Interviewing Sean Feucht

Christian nationalist worship leader and right-wing political activist Sean Feucht appeared on a podcast hosted by controversial right-wing pastor Mark Driscoll last week to discuss the topic "Is America Doomed?" 

During the course of their discussion, both Feucht and Driscoll asserted that Vice President Kamala Harris' success in the presidential election is due to demonic power. 

"There is some serious demonic sorcery witchcraft thing going on here that would even remotely make this race tight because for three and a half years, these guys have destroyed America on every level," Feucht claimed. "And now you have a person that is actually convincing a lot of America that she is going to do something she hasn't done in the last three." 

"That's the most mind boggling thing to me," he said. "You've got to be under some serious wicked spell to buy into that." 

"How are people not awake? It's shocking to me," Feucht added. "I'm hoping that there will be some kind of supernatural awareness that's going to come in the next 40 days." 

Driscoll—who resigned from his previous pastoral position in 2014 amid allegations of arrogance, bullying, and treating staff in a "domineering manner" only to launch a new church in 2021, prompting former elders to declare him to be "unrepentant" and "unfit" for ministry—went much, much further in his attacks on Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz. 

Driscoll, who has a long history of overt misogyny, began by blaming "suburban women" for Harris' popularity, saying that they will just blindly vote for a woman "because they've been so indoctrinated in feminism." 

"I think what's driving the surge—I would call it the Kamalagasm, which is driven by the media—is a lot of just classic feminism that says, 'We're just voting for her because she's a woman, regardless of policy or fitness or ability,'" Driscoll said. "Part of that is spiritual, where you do see demonic forces at work in politics."

"You especially see this in the days of of of Ahab, Jezebel, and Elijah," Driscoll continued. "What you see there is Ahab is the the king but he's this passive, weak, soft, incompetent; he's very Bidenesque. Jezebel is very, very powerful. She is really the power behind the throne and she comes with significant demonic authority." 

Driscoll then likened Harris to Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel who became the only female monarch to rule over ancient Israel. 

"If you read the storyline of the Bible, the only woman that ever held the senior political office in the nation of Israel was Jezebel's daughter, Athaliah," he said. "One hundred percent demonic activity; a clairvoyant spirit at work behind the scenes to enable and allow that to come to pass. ... It seems to me like Kamala Harris is very Athaliahian and working with that same sort of spirit." 

"It is anti-God," he added. 

Driscoll then attacked Harris for being a member of the American Baptist Church, which he said is a "completely apostate" and "completely anti-God denomination" that is "an abomination." Driscoll likewise attacked Walz for being a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which he said is a "completely apostate, completely anti-Christ abomination denomination." 

"These are people who profess to be Christians," Driscoll said. "They go to churches that are synagogues of Satan." 

"Is there not a demonic spirit that is trying to get someone who is anti-Christ but a member of a church and denomination into a political office?" he asked. "If they win, you're going to have literally two people who are anti-Christ but claim to be Christians and members of the church pulling the levers for the United States of America for four years And you know for a fact, if I'm Satan and demons, I'm like, 'Give me the guy or gal who claims Christ but is anti-Christ. How can I help them be more efficient at their undermining mission?'" 

"It's nefarious," Driscoll proclaimed. "It's horrifying." 


Feucht, whose worship services in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda have been attended by members of Congress, is wrapping up a 50-state “Kingdom to the Capitol” tour, which will culminate with a rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on Oct. 26. Sen. Josh Hawley has appeared at previous Feucht gatherings.