Lurid Scandals And Serious Allegations
- Liberty Counsel vehemently opposes Donald Trump's plan to nominate Rep. Matt Gaetz to be Attorney General: "The nomination of Matt Gaetz as Attorney General is shocking and disappointing to those who have followed this man and the lurid scandals and serious allegations of sex parties and drugs during his tenure in the U.S. Congress."
- Public Advocate is not happy that Sen. John Thune was elected Majority Leader: "NEW MAJORITY LEADER JOHN THUNE SUCKS"
- Stew Peters declares that "whites need to re-empower themselves in America."
- What does Lauren Witzke want to see during the Trump administration? "Ban abortion, promote sterilization (of libtards)."
- Finally, Joel Webbon proclaims that "Judaism is a lying, false religion from the pit of Hell."