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Christian Nationalist Pastor Joel Webbon Says Jews Cannot 'Serve In Public Office In My Nation'

Joel Webbon

Texas pastor Joel Webbon is a radical Christian nationalist who has been very open about his belief that only Christians who share his Protestant theology should be allowed to serve in public office or express their faith publicly. 

Naturally, that means that Webbon believes that all non-Christians, especially Jews, should likewise be prohibited from serving in government, which he made abundantly clear during an episode(link is external) of his podcast last month.

"In a legislative sense and in terms of public rituals, things that are celebrated—virtues, holidays, all those kinds of things—the public square, legislatively and culturally, it would absolutely, unapologetically play favorites," Webbon declared. "And there would be one favorite, and it would be Anglo-Protestants. That would be the favorite. So, there will be no public Catholic parade, but you could have a public Protestant parade. And there would be no law that says Jews can't live here, but what there would be is anybody to hold public office would have to make a Christian profession of faith ... and they would have to have a track record of it. So, no practicing Jew who hasn't converted to Christianity will be able to serve in public office."

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Webbon doubled down on that position during his most recent(link is external) podcast, declaring that Judaism is a "parasitical" religion. 

"Judaism as an ideology and as a religion, I do believe, is parasitical," Webbon said. "What it has done historically throughout the ages is typically go into other countries, other peoples with other religions, and kind of cozy up but not really for their benefit; not a mutually beneficial relationship, but where they ultimately get far more out of the deal than the Christian nation does."

"Jews need Christians," Webbon proclaimed. "Christians do not need Jews. It is not a mutually beneficial relationship."

"I love Jews and I wish them a very pleasant conversion to Christianity," he continued. "If you are a citizen of Israel and you refuse to convert to Christianity—you are a Jewish citizen, Israeli citizen—I do wish for you not to serve in public office in my nation. You can come here if you're going to play nice like any other immigrant and contribute, but no, you do not get to pull levers of power in my nation's government."

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Webbon believes (link is external)that the American people are too degenerate, stupid, and cowardly to abide by the Constitution and must therefore be governed by a Christian dictator. This dictator, Webbon believes, must “rule with an iron fist” and force everyone(link is external) to, at the very least, “pretend to be Christian.” 

Under his preferred form of Christian nationalist theocracy, Webbon wants to see(link is external) the Apostles’ Creed added to the Constitution; abortion, pornography, no-fault divorce, in vitro fertilization, and birth control outlawed; non-Christians kept out(link is external) of his neighborhood; immigrants shot for trying to enter the country; adulterers put to death; and women(link is external) banned from voting(link is external) and publicly executed for making false claims of sexual assault. 

In 2023, Webbon was among the contributors to a document called “The Statement on Christian Nationalism and the Gospel(link is external).” Drafted by Christian nationalists like Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers, former Trump administration official William Wolfe(link is external), and others, the document declared that the United States must formally  “acknowledge the Lordship of Christ” in all its laws, “abolish abortion,” outlaw marriage equality, and “recapture our national sovereignty from godless, global entities who present a grave threat to civilization.”

In addition to serving as pastor at Covenant Bible Church(link is external) in Texas, Webbon is also the founder of Right Response Ministries,(link is external) through which he organizes events like next year’s “Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trashworld(link is external)” conference that is scheduled to feature a variety of far-right Christian nationalist activists like Deevers, Steve Deace(link is external), Stephen Wolfe(link is external), Auron MacIntyre(link is external), Andrew Isker(link is external), and others.