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Christian Nationalist Conspiracy Theorist Kandiss Taylor Is Running For Congress

In 2022, flat-earth(link is external) conspiracy theorist(link is external) Kandiss Taylor unsuccessfully(link is external) ran for governor of Georgia and despite her paltry showing(link is external) in the Republican primary, she steadfastly(link is external) refused(link is external) to accept(link is external) that she had lost. Following her loss, Taylor became(link is external) a Georgia GOP district chair(link is external) and also began hosting a weekly program called "Jesus, Guns, and Babies(link is external)" on the far-right Stew Peters Network.

Taylor has said(link is external) that Peters is her "best friend," which is telling given that Peters is a racist(link is external), far-right(link is external) anti-LGBTQ(link is external) bigot(link is external) who(link is external) regularly uses(link is external) his nightly program, speeches(link is external), and social media accounts(link is external) to promote(link is external) white nationalism(link is external) and virulent(link is external) antisemitism(link is external) while spreading(link is external) wild(link is external) conspiracy theories(link is external), bigotry(link is external), and calls(link is external) for violence.(link is external)

During her multiple appearances on Peters' shows and on her own program, Taylor regularly voiced radical(link is external) views, insisting that non-Christians are not entitled to freedom of religion and even advocating the execution of those who oppose her Christian nationalist agenda, as she did in 2024.

"We need to make church the state's business again," Peters said. "We need to bring Jesus Christ to the state, and we need to eradicate any form of government that is oppressive to the individual rights, individual liberty, prosperity, peace, liberty, property, of anything, our God-given inherent, unalienable rights, and replace that with a form of government that's representative of the people and God's law."

"We are the church and we run the state," Taylor replied. "Even if they don't believe it to be so, it is a fact. And if they keep pushing around with American people, and they keep playing all these games, they're gonna find!"

"How are they gonna find out?" Peters asked. "How are they gonna FAFO [fuck around and find out]?"

"Extreme accountability," Taylor answered.

"I love it," Peters gushed. "You're speaking my language." 

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As Right Wing Watch explained at the time, "extreme accountability" is the phrase Peters uses when demanding the public execution of his perceived enemies.

This morning, Taylor appeared on(link is external) "War Room with Steve Bannon," where she announced that she is now running for Congress from her home state of Georgia and is "ready to go to D.C. and blow some things up."

"We're gonna win," Taylor said. "I don't know that they're ready for me. I don't know that they're ready for what I'm gonna come at them with, and I don't think that they're ready for the big donors that's already called and committed. And we're gonna come, we're gonna raise a lot of money, and we're gonna be in this fight, and we're gonna fight to win."

"I have Democrats that are going to support me because they know that I represent Jesus," she added. "I'm in the Bible Belt. I'm in the southern part of Georgia and we care about morality down here, and we're tired of people ignoring us."

"I've toured these 15 counties for two years as Georgia's 1st District chairman of the GOP and they want to be recognized and they're going to be," Taylor declared. "And they're going to be. They're going to be represented by somebody who will not hold back, who will not apologize, and will go for the jugular. And I'm ready to go to D.C. and blow some things up."

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