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Who’s Who at the Values Voter Summit: A Guide to the Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim, Anti-Mormon, Anti-Choice Activists Spending the Weekend with the GOP

Miranda Blue or Justin Greenberg
People For the American Way
Phone number:

This weekend, nearly every major GOP presidential candidate, along with the top two Republicans in the House of Representatives, will speak at the

Values Voter Summit, an annual gathering of the leaders of the movement to integrate fundamentalist Christianity and American politics.

The candidates – Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich – and the congressmen – House Speaker John

Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor – will join a who’s who of the far Right(link is external) at the event.

The organizers of the Values Voter Summit and many of its prominent attendees are on the frontlines of removing hard-won rights for gay and lesbian

Americans, restricting women’s access to reproductive healthcare, undermining the free exercise rights of non-Christian religions and breaking down the

wall of separation between church and state.

In perhaps the starkest illustration of how far even mainstream Republican candidates are willing to go to appease the Religious Right, Mitt Romney is

scheduled to speak immediately before the American

Family Association’s Bryan Fischer, a man whose

record of hate speech

should be shocking by any standard. Along with regularly denigrating gays and lesbians, Muslims, and other minority groups, Fischer has no love for

Romney’s Mormon faith. In a radio program last week, Fischer insisted that Mormons have no right to religious freedom under the First Amendment and

falsely claimed that the LDS Church still sanctions polygamy.

People For the American Way has called on GOP presidential candidates appearing at

the conference to denounce Fischer’s bigotry. Last year, PFAW issued a similar call to

attendees, which was met with silence.

The following is a guide to some of the individuals with whom the leaders of the GOP will be rubbing shoulders at the Values Voter Summit this year.

Bryan Fischer

Bryan Fischer is the Director of Issues Analysis at the American Family Association, which is a sponsor of the Values Voter Summit. Fischer acts as the

chief spokesman for the group and also hosts its flagship radio program, Focal Point, on which he has interviewed a number of prominent figures

including Bachmann, Gingrich, Santorum and Mike Huckabee.

On his radio program and in blog posts, Fischer

frequently expresses

unmitigated bigotry toward a number of minority groups, including gays and lesbians, Muslim Americans, Native Americans, low-income African Americans

and Mormons.

Fischer has:

At a speech at last year’s Values Voter Summit(link is external), Fischer said that

if Christians don’t get involved in politics, they “make a deliberate decision to turn over the running of the United States government to atheists and

pagans.” Of the gay rights movement, he warned, “We are going to have to choose, as a nation, between the homosexual agenda and freedom, because the

two cannot coexist.”

Tony Perkins

Tony Perkins is president of the Family Research Council, the main organizer of this weekend’s summit. Perkins leads the group’s efforts against gay

rights, abortion rights and church/state separation.

The FRC famously expressed its hostility to religious pluralism in a 2000 statement blasting a Hindu priest(link is external) who was invited to give an opening prayer in Congress:

“[W]hile it is true that the United States of America was founded on the sacred principle of religious freedom for all, that liberty was never intended

to exalt other religions to the level that Christianity holds in our country’s heritage…. Our Founders … would have found utterly incredible the idea

that all religions, including paganism, be treated with equal deference.”

The FRC has one of the most anti-gay platforms of any major political organization, including expressions of support for the criminalization of

homosexuality. Earlier this year, the group called on members to

pray for the continuation of Malawi’s law prohibiting homosexuality(link is external), under which a gay couple was sentenced to fourteen years in jail(link is external). Senior fellow Peter Sprigg said he

would “much prefer to export homosexuals from the United States(link is external) than to import

them into the United States because we believe homosexuality is destructive to society.”

Perkins himself frequently reflects(link is external) the extreme views of his

organization. He:

At last year’s Values Voter Summit, Perkins managed to simultaneously insult U.S. servicemembers and several important U.S. allies in Iraq and

Afghanistan, saying that armies that allow gays and lesbians to serve openly “participate in parades, they don’t fight wars to keep the world free(link is external).”

Mat Staver

Mat Staver is the head of the Liberty University School of Law and its legal affiliate, Liberty Counsel, both sponsors of the Values Voter Summit.

Liberty Counsel vehemently opposes rights for gays and lesbians, and in July

filed the lawsuit to overturn New York’s Marriage Equality Act

(link is external)

. The group’s Director of Cultural Affairs Matt Barber has called marriage equality “ rebellion against God(link is external)” and said LGBT youth are more

likely to commit suicide because they know “

what they are doing is unnatural, is wrong, [and] is immoral

(link is external)

.” Barber has also described liberalism as “hatred for God(link is external)” and said

the president and Democrats “are anti-God(link is external).” In fact,

Liberty Counsel claimed that Obama is “

pushing America to move under the curse

(link is external)

” of God and “ jeopardizing our nation(link is external)” for

purportedly not supporting Israel.

Through his role at Liberty Counsel and on his radio program Faith & Freedom, Staver has(link is external):

Staver aggressively promotes “ex-gay” reparative(link is external) therapy and warns

that gays and lesbians are “

intent on trampling upon the fundamental freedoms

(link is external)

” of others. He is also closely linked to the saga of Lisa Mille(link is external)r, a woman

represented by Liberty Counsel who kidnapped her daughter and fled to Central America(link is external) after a court granted custody to her former partner,

a lesbian woman. Although Liberty Counsel denies involvement in the kidnapping, earlier this year Miller was

reportedly staying at the house of Staver’s administrative assistant’s father in Nicaragua

(link is external)

. Staver has also taught the Miller case in his law classes(link is external) as an

example of an instance where “God’s law” preempts “man’s law.”

Jerry Boykin

Retired Army Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin sparked a controversy when, as a high-ranking official in the Bush Defense Department, he framed the War

on Terror as a holy war against Islam(link is external). He has since built a career as a

Religious Right speaker, specializing(link is external) in anti-Muslim rhetoric and

anti-Obama conspiracy theories. Boykin rejects religious freedom for American Muslims(link is external), claiming that Islam “is

not just a religion, it is a totalitarian way of life.” In an interview with Bryan Fischer, he called for “no mosques in America.”

Boykin is a leading member of the dominionist group The Oak Initiative. In a speech at the group’s conference in April, he declared that George Soros

and the Council on Foreign Relations

conspired to collapse the U.S. economy

(link is external)

in order to help President Obama get elected. Last year, he told the group that President Obama was using his health care reform legislation as a cover

to establish

a private army of Brownshirts loyal just to him

(link is external)


Star Parker

Parker is a long-time Religious Right activist who is particularly active in anti-gay and anti-abortion rights(link is external) work. As Washington, DC was poised to

legalize marriage equality, Parker warned that it would lead to more HIV infections in the city, which would “ transform officially into Sodom(link is external).” In a recent radio interview

with Tony Perkins, Parker mused that black family life was “ more healthy(link is external)” under slavery than it is

today and has accused liberals of treating Justice Clarence Thomas and Gov. Sarah Palin like runaway slaves(link is external). She

has called legal abortion a “genocide(link is external)” on par with

slavery and the Holocaust.

Ed Vitagliano

As the AFA’s research director(link is external), Ed Vitagliano helped co-produce the 2000 anti-gay documentary(link is external) “It’s Not Gay,” which is

riddled with misleading statistics

(link is external)

about gays and lesbians and promotes “ex-gay” reparative therapy. The “documentary” starred ex-gay leader Michael Johnston, a self-described “former

homosexual,” who was later revealed to have been secretly having sex with other men(link is external).

Vitagliano’s anti-gay work has continued apace — on the AFA’s radio program this year, Vitagliano argued that gay men are “ abusing the nature of the design of the human body(link is external)

and said homosexuality is not a “ natural and normal and healthy activity(link is external).” Vitagliano


scolded congressman and civil rights hero John Lewis for supporting marriage equality

(link is external)

, saying that Lewis “thumbed [his] nose” at God and “needs to go back and read his Bible.”

Bishop Harry Jackson

Jackson, who built his career as an avowed opponent of rights for gays and lesbians(link is external), is a regular speaker at

Religious Right conferences. He has called for a

“SWAT Team” of “Holy Ghost terrorists”

(link is external)

to work against hate crimes legislation that protects gays and lesbians, and said that black organizations that support gay rights have “ sold out the black community(link is external)

and have been “

co-opted by the radical gay movement

(link is external)

.” Jackson claims that gay marriage is part of “ a Satanic plot to destroy our seed(link is external)” and that

the larger gay rights movement is “ an insidious intrusion of the Devil(link is external).”

Along with his fierce opposition to LGBT rights, Jackson has compared legal abortion to “lynching”(link is external)

and urged the Senate to defeat Elena Kagan’s nomination to the Supreme Court

because she is not a Protestant

(link is external)

(Kagan is Jewish). Jackson has even described his political efforts in apocalyptic terms(link is external),

telling a Religious Right group before the 2010 elections, “God is saying to us ‘I want to pick a fight in which I can wipe out my enemies and cause

them to be silenced once and for all.’ This is where America is; if we do not recognize and repent, we are going to see our way of life destroyed as we

now know it.”

Lila Rose

Rose is the anti-choice activist(link is external) responsible for carrying out a

deceptive hit job against Planned Parenthood

this year. Members of Rose’s group, Live Action, went to Planned Parenthood clinics around the country posing as clients seeking help with a child sex

trafficking ring. Planned Parenthood alerted the FBI about the activity, and the one staffer who handled the supposed traffickers inappropriately was

promptly fired. Nevertheless, Rose claimed that her hoax proved “beyond a shadow of a doubt that Planned Parenthood intentionally breaks state and

federal laws and covers up the abuse of young girls it claims to serve.”

Rose is no newcomer to the Values Voter Summit: in a speech at 2009’s summit, she

called for abortions to be performed “in the public square.”

(link is external)

Glenn Beck

Until Beck’s Fox News program was canceled earlier this year, he was one of the Right’s most visible fear-mongers and conspiracy theorists. When his violent rhetoric

inspired some real threats against progressive leaders, he laughed off the critics who urged him to choose his words more responsibly. Beck’s elaborate

conspiracy theories include the idea that socialists and Islamists were planning a global caliphate(link is external), with the help of

American progressives; an obsession with the progressive funder George Soros, at whom he leveled a number of anti-Semitic smears including a personal

attack that the Anti-Defamation league called “horrific(link is external)”; and a distrust of President

Obama, who he once said was “racist” with a “ deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture(link is external).”

On air, Beck

joked about killing prominent progressives

(for instance, poisoning Nancy Pelosi’s wine), but frequently insisted that it is progressives who were urging violence, even predicting his own

martyrdom. In one 2010 broadcast, he warned that “anarchists, Marxists, communists, revolutionaries, Maoists” have to “eliminate 10 percent of the U.S.

population” in order to “gain control.”

After a terrorist in Oslo killed dozens of young members of Norway’s Labor Party at an island summer camp, Beck

attacked the victims

(link is external)

, comparing the camp to “Hitler Youth” and calling it “disturbing.”