12 Organizations Call on All Candidates to Sign onto Comprehensive Agenda
WASHINGTON – Today People For the American Way joined 11 other organizations in releasing “Fighting Big Money, Empowering People: A 21st Century Democracy Agenda,” a comprehensive policy platform for reducing the corrosive influence of big money in our political system. The organizations called on every presidential candidate to endorse this set of policies and to incorporate them into their campaign platforms.
“It’s encouraging to hear candidates speak out about money in politics, but there’s a big difference between talk and action,” said People For the American Way Executive Vice President Marge Baker. “We want to see candidates commit to a comprehensive set of policy solutions to address the influx of big money in our elections. Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly want to see an overhaul of our campaign finance system. If candidates are listening to their constituents, they know it’s in their best interest to get on board with this agenda.”
Measures outlined in the agenda include, among others:
• The Democracy For All constitutional amendment to overturn decisions like Citizens United v. FEC;
• Increased disclosure of political contributions and expenditures;
• Public funding support to encourage the participation of small donors in elections; and more.
In addition to People For the American Way, organizations signed onto the agenda include: Brennan Center for Justice, Common Cause, Democracy 21, Democracy Matters, Demos, Every Voice, Issue One, Mayday, Public Citizen, Represent.Us, and U.S. PIRG.
PFAW Executive Vice President Marge Baker is available for interviews. To arrange one, please contact Layne Amerikaner at media@pfaw.org or call 202-467-4999.